Hillary Clinton famously said that we should not have as President someone who can be “baited by a tweet.”
Exactly so, Madame Secretary, but what about one who can be baited by a speech?
When President Biden went to Philadelphia last...
The egotist in chief is making plans to party on Inauguration Day and turn the focus on himself, what else? Donald Trump has zero plans to meet with Joe Biden, congratulate him and have the traditional one-on-one conversation that...
Trump has been cosplaying president since he got out of Air Force One in West Palm Beach on January 20, 2021. Everyone on the Right still calls him "President Trump," to the point that his lawyers, arguing in front...
You know, I'm getting just a little sick and tired of seditious douche bags like Traitor Tot and Mike Pimp-eo extolling the virtues of war criminal Vlad the Imp. And even more sick and tired of Donnie Depends slobbering...
It's not paranoia when they really are out to get you. This latest ad from Lincoln Project, Trump Is Alone, is like something Alfred Hitchcock would come up with if asked to tell a story about some buffoon that...
Claude Taylor, veteran of 3 presidential campaigns and who served on the Clinton White House staff (according to his Twitter account), posted this yesterday. Mad Dog Pac is planning to circle the White House with their portable billboards pasted on the side...
Any notion that Donald Trump is a normal guy, with normal feelings and what the rest of us would deem normal relationships, he himself trashed with his slip up today. While speaking at a White House press gaggle on...
Listen, I don't have a degree in psychology but I do know that when someone goes on an absurd rant about Elton John, organs and the brain, something just ain't right. Either that or maybe that someone has had...
MAGA is in full force at the State Of The Union address tonight and Dark Brandon is using them for his foil. He is mocking them for his sport. We see Mike Johnson playing the role of moral standard...
This is not a "mistake." They do this on purpose. TWO NETWORKS? Even IF they called it "Trump Force One" it would be offensive, implying he's still "presidentish."
It is not an accident that the people around Trump continually refer...