I'm making homemade Italian Wedding Soup for dinner tonight, with a loaf of homemade Italian garlic bread, and I can hardly savor the scents. Mainly because Traitor Tot's flop sweat has permeated, like a toxic cloud, all the way out here...
Pride goeth before a fall. Arrogance goeth before a pratfall I have been loud and constant in my praise for the way President Biden has handled Vlad ther Imp during the Ukraine war. He's been playing chess while Putin is...
You all know by this time that I was born, raised, and spent 38 years living in Chicago. You know, the home of The Capone Family, and on an almost annual basis being voted as one of the top 5 most politically...
Ohhh, I'm already getting a case of the warm-fuzzies over this, and nothing has even happened yet. We've barely gotten through the first full week of introductory GOP committee meetings, and already it's clear that the next 12-14 months of...
Look, I think we can all agree on one thing. Everybody makes mistakes. I make 'em, you make 'em, it's part of being human. Hell, even computers make mistakes, They just don't call them that, they call them Internal Server...
Here we go, another episode of La Famille Trump, the Etiquette Show From Hell. In this latest episode, Donald has decided he should act like a human being. None other than Letitia James gave him the signal for appropriate...
I saw something today that filled my heart with joy. Ursula Faw posted an article with a video of a Russian tank that had run out of fuel, and potential Ukrainian refugees surrounded the vehicle and told them to...
This is beyond the pale, except in Trump world. Nowhere else in American history are you going to find a scenario where a hyper wealthy defendant takes it into his mind that a normal person, a court clerk, doing...
One thing is for dead certain: the next 14 months are going to be centered on God and the amazing number of ways people understand that word and concept. The evangelical wingnuts will be talking to their version of...
The numbers don't lie You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts Another thing that's getting tired and old is this whole dead horse we keep flogging about the evils of Trumpism. Some people define it as...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead