The numbers don't lie You're entitled to your own opinion, but you're not entitled to your own facts Another thing that's getting tired and old is this whole dead horse we keep flogging about the evils of Trumpism. Some people define it as...
All media is good media. It doesn't matter what they're talking about, good or bad. As long as they're talking about you, they're not talking about somebody else. You stay relevant and front and center   Donald John Trump That quote has been Trump's...
The kudos for this one goes to former prosecutor, judge, and legal analyst Carol Lam on MSNBC. They were discussing former Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows motion to have his Georgia state court moved to federal court. So...
President Biden put it perfectly a couple of hours ago. The last time that an American President had to address the American people from the Oval Office with two wars going on that both affected US national interests was...
Well, looks like Leningrad Lindsey managed to get a brief last minute stay of execution in front of the Fulton County grand jury firing squad. Fear not, it won't last. For the same reason that all of Trump's nonsensical motions...
Donald Trump belongs to a particular breed of human scum that resents the fact that the worker, the people whose efforts he and others like him have always exploited, needs a paycheck and more than deserves one. Trump is...
If there's one thing I tried to learn long ago, it's to not let my first impressions get away from me. That can lead to anything from a belated apology and a heaping helping of crow to a swift...
This couldn't happen to a more deserving schmuck than John Eastman. His disbarment hearing before the State Bar of California may be live streamed. He, of course, is trying to couch himself as a victim and that is simply...
Jeez, it's almost amazing what a week of getting a bucket of shit dumped on your head by everybody but your mother will do do to clear your vision. And under pressure, once again Squeaker Cavein McCarthy has proven...
This is almost too delicious for words. I swear to God, given his own tether, Trump is going to hamstring his own lawyers so thoroughly that they literally won't have a plausible defense to make for him in court. And he...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead