65 days. We're getting close enough in now where the numbers are starting to count, especially when we're talking about numbers that have nothing to do with generic national and battleground state polling. And for the two imbeciles? Well, they're rolling...
I swear when I first heard about this new nonsense from Trump I thought about whatever the hell sits on top of his BALD head. (For the record, I started going bald in my mid 20s. I've been a...
Don't get me wrong here, I'm with ya. When I first heard the news today that Manhattan District Court Judge Juan Merchan had delayed Trump's sentencing until November 26th, my first thought also was What a cowardly chickensh*t! But rather...
He used to be funny, it's true. I recall reading an article about Donald Trump in 1992 in Vanity Fair and concluding that they'd found the one guy who was a bigger ass than me, age 22. Having said that,...
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Not to mention to steal from pediatric cancer charities. There's a karmic rebound from deception and the Trump tribe is beginning to find that out. Earlier...
This is about to get good. As I wrote recently, the Trump campaign has had a Come to Jesus moment when it comes to the campaign. Simply put, they can't let their candidates campaign. Every time Traitor Tot opens his mouth...
Oh, how the mighty have fallen. I want to drag you back for a moment to the election summer of 2016. Traitor Tot had a whole phalanx of brainless blonde sycophants whose whole job was to get in front...
This is just a quick hit, but I found it too stupid and funny not to share with my loyal readers on a Friday night.
Earlier today, following an after court Trumper tantrum that may just open him up to...
Man! Talk about feeling unloved. I don't even want to think about what it must feel like to be lying there on you r bed in the ICU, hitched up to every medical machine known to man, and while...
Even a bass wouldn't get in trouble if it just kept its big mouth shut
As I've said previously, and by now both Traitor Tot as well as Kamala Harris are desperate to be seen as the change candidate in this election....