‘Transaction Trump’ Seems To Have Proposed Literal Quid Pro Quo To Big Oil


Long before Citizen’s United it was a given that campaign finance, especially for fedearl office was so awash in money that practically speaking bribery had been legalized. While there have been limits all along on how much an individual or couple can donate directly to a candidate in a given year, PACs and Super-PACs had established a legal way for people with financial means to get around the limit. Lobbyists can funnel huge amounts of money “indirectly” to influence both policy and legislation. It’s bribery under a different name, at least in theory as long as there’s no specific quid pro quo. As in “give me x amount of dollars and I’ll do this specific thing(s) in return. For example an elected official can say give me a million dollars and I’ll vote for/against this or that piece of legislation. Well folks, it seems like Trump has proposed a literal quid pro quo to to oil executives.

According to this Washington Post article Trump had himself a sit-down with the honchos of big oil. People who’s companies set a new record for profit seemingly every year, year after year. They also get billions in tax subsidies from the federal government. These are people and companies who definitely are NOT hurting and who DON’T need a dime of help from the federal government to make profits hand over fist every year. Sure, they spend money on lobbyists to get and keep the largesse they receive, and as we’ve learned for about seven decades knew of the coming problem of climate change and developed a sophisticated plan to hide both the problem and their role in it.

As I said big oil (even small oil) has profited handsomely my entire life, knowing all along their efforts to fight regulation and accountability were a threat to our world’s climate and that someday the bill for the damage would come due. Big oil doesn’t like it that Democratic administrations are much more likely to try and rein them in than Republican ones. Despite their profits they want to keep every penny of their subsidies. They DON’T like paying taxes (who does?) and they hate regulation.

President Biden has set about changing policy in ways they HATE. As the WaPo notes President Biden is clear about climate change being an existential threat, while Trump calls it a hoax. Biden’s crafted a hundred new environmental regulations to address things like reducing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, restricting toxic chemicals, and conserving public lands and waters. By contrast Trump’s general gutting of regulation during his four  years included weakening or eliminating more than 125 environmental policies, rules and regulations.

It’s a no-brainer that oil executives would prefer Trump to Biden. They know Trump has no f**ks to give when it comes to tax breaks that benefit the very richest, or gutting regulations to allow rich people and/or corporations to pay less taxes and via reduced regulations increase profits.  Given that it makes sense they’d be willing, even eager to make a pilgrimage to Mar A Lago last month to meet with Trump. The WaPo article doesn’t say so, but I’d imagine they had a “one-pager” of a “briefing memo” outlining what they hoped a second Trump administration’s environmental policy would look like. And probably a second one with bullet points on some specific things that would help big oil continue setting  record profits.

I’m also certain they agreed in advance they’d make it clear they’d be supporting Trump’s campaign financially. Sure, they’d hedge their bets some with Biden/Democrats but the bulk of their money would go to Trump and GOP candidate’s PACs/Super PACs. The song and dance routine of being ready to donate is one they were familiar with. They have very expensive lawyers worth every bit of money they shell out in legal fees to teach them how to avoid difficult conversations with investigators/prosecutors.  So, as the WaPo reports they were stunned at how things went down.

One of the oil barons complained of them spending (collectively one assumes) some $400 million lobbying and yet Biden was still not giving them any relief. I’m sure he and the rest were expecting a sympathetic response to be followed by a tacit understanding that lots of money would be donated to Trump and that they knew it would be money well invested – wink wink, nod nod. They were startled by Trump’s response.  Per the linked WaPo article:

Trump’s response stunned several of the executives in the room overlooking the ocean: You all are wealthy enough, he said, that you should raise $1 billion to return me to the White House. At the dinner, he vowed to immediately reverse dozens of President Biden’s environmental rules and policies and stop new ones from being enacted, according to people with knowledge of the meeting, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe a private conversation.

Okay. That’s pretty direct but apparently Trump wasn’t done. The sources say Trump made sure to clarify the terms: Giving $1 billion would be a “deal,” Trump said, because of the taxation and regulation they would avoid thanks to him, according to the people.
That sure as hell seems like a quid pro quo to me.  The latin phrase translated means “something for something.” Think of it as two or more people/entities, each with something of value to the other exchanging goods and/or services. I said earlier that in our current system of legal bribery there have remained some of the so-called plausible deniability courtesies to avoid prosecution. This however blows right through it.  In effect Trump proposed in clear terms a something for something exchange.
He fielded complaints, and said: Fine. I hear you. You want something a President can give you. So give me (my campaign) a billion dollars and I’ll do the things you’ve come here to ask me to do when I’m back in the WH.  That’s just a straight up instance of Trump asking for a bribe. Not that he wouldn’t do much if not all what the executives wanted, but this is Trump we’re talking about. He wants  his cut of the action and is in a position to extort it. Being Trump and being desperate to get back into the WH to avoid prosecution for other crimes his demand shouldn’t surprise anyone.
Like I said the oil dudes were expecting to promise some significant money. But it seems being hit up for a BILLION dollars, and in such blatant fashion was unexpected. It also puts them in an awkward spot. Suppose they pay the “tribute” Trump demands and he LOSES in November? These are not people who want to be sitting in criminal court one day, especially for bribery.
It will be interesting to see if this blows up into a bigger story. It damn well should, even with the news awash in other serious matters. In a literally perverse way the sleaze of what’s taking place in Manhattan with Trump (Stormy Daniels’ is still testifying) is more undeserved good luck for Trump. Sex scandals are SO much easier for pundits to blather about.
Well, we’ll see but maybe blogs like this and other social media will wind up doing what the mainstream media won’t.
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  1. I feel like this function was done against our Constitution and is a threat directly to a free and undistorted election …

    Further more, it shows Trump’s desperation and fear of, “Paying for his crimes with incarceration”, for him, as the biggest coward, in spite of his boisterous claims of NO FEAR of a jail/prison time …

    Doing this blatant re-do of his treatment of the Ukraine president, he IS STILL acting like the criminal he is!

    Maybe a whistle blower could sink this latest attempt to alter the next election results?

    We SHOULD see a higher court stymy the Cannon-mouth, “Judge”, there IS so much riding on this and WE have been paying for the research, legal paper-works and all the Smith data …

  2. Hey you stupid phuckers voting for trump…it’s a suicide vote. The planet will zoom past the tipping point of no return. Disasters will increase along with death and destruction. There will BE NO FIXING IT ASSHOLES. The rich will continue to live in luxury and run around the planet to avoid the consequences until THERE IS NO PLACE TO RUN. IF that occurs, since YOU will be killing our children and future generations…I promise you will be in the line of fire. Of course the smart thing is to VOTE DEMOCRAT and save your sorry asses. I’m not optimistic.


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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead