I have been wrestling with this for a while now. And the more I've wrestled with it, the more I keep circling back around to the simple fact that there's something wrong here. It was actually DC federal judge...
Life among the stupid can be so satisfying   Donald E Westlake Man, I'm going to be as miserable as original sin next year if/when the Democrats retake the House. Mainly because He groped me coach! Jordan will no longer have a...
The problem with war is that Generals keep fighting the next war with the tactics of the last war How many times have I reminded you guys of my Catholic Mantra? In order to keep your faith intact, make sure it...
Look, forget about those goobers in Iowa and New Hampshire. Those aren't primary states, they're flyby points-of-interest for airline pilots to get on the PA, And if you look out the windows on the left side, you'll see Des Moines, Iowa. It's...
Believe it or not, that title wasn't meant as an overt insult to judge Aileen Cannon. More of a literal question as to her professional and judicial as a reference to her qualifications to sit on the Mar-A-Lago documents...
Well, well, well. So it looks like the Dumpy Despot may finally be about to face his comeuppance. Always one to control the media narrative for fundraising purposes, Traitor Tot blasted out yesterday on Bullsh*t Social that he had received...
Is this a vision? Is this a dream? Do I sleep?   William Shakespeare Now granted, Trump is under the gun here. But the true test of the skills of either a top flight con man, or a top flight Lothario...
To the best of my knowledge, it was Rachel Maddow on MSNBC that originally coined the phrase that is now in common use. In an A-Block she opined that we are now living in a parallel universe politically. As she said,...
This is what happens when you let the imbeciles go to the mall for a field trip. With asylum credit cards. The next thing you know, your Amex bill rivals the GDP of Saudi Arabia. This Mel Brooks version of A Nightmare...
I've noticed a disturbing trend lately on mainstream media, especially news show. There is, 16 months before the general election, some unwarranted panic from the professional hand wringers and breast thumpers to worry about a repeat of the debacle...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead