I have a radical ides. I know, like this is a news flash, right? Just do me one favor. Read the whole damn thing, don’t just read the next paragraph, say “What an idiot!”, and then steam off to...
Well, that didn’t take long! To be honest, I’m surprised that His Lowness didn’t show up today at Dover AFB clad in his silk Gucci boxers, since obviously the demented banshee that is Ann Coulter has already confiscated his every last...
OK, look. I have no problem with Trump having gone to Dover AFB today to take part in the dignified transfer ceremony for the returning fallen US heroes. In fact I applaud him for it. W didn’t even want...
For the 147,296th time, no, I am not spiking the football. Every time I try that, the damn thing bounces back up and clips me in the nits. Two polls do not make a “trend,” but if yesterdays Marist and the...
The President is a counter puncher. When he’s hit, he hits back twice as hard   Sarah Huckabee Sanders Thus us a primo example of the bullshit that I like to call the Trump mythology. In boxing, a counter puncher deflects...
The old saying goes something like “Hang separately or hang together.” And boy, oh boy, are we ever getting a full length feature film on that principle right now. And if “elections have consequences,” those consequences are pounding the...
If there';s one sure fire diagnostic indicator of a “fucking moron,” it’s the inability to learn from ones past mistakes. I mean, come on, how many times do you have to whack your thumb with a hammer before you...
obstinance - the trait of being difficult to handle or overcome. mulishness, obstinacy, stubbornness. intractability, intractableness - the trait of being hard to influence or control. 2. obstinance - resolute adherence to your own ideas or desires. The only thing that’s missing from...
When last we saw our intrepid hero, Cantaloupe Calves King was in a bad way. Being chased by a ravenous pack of 434 wolves through a forest, all seemed lost. The situation only got more dire when, finally bursting...
The day is finally here. Lord and little fishes, it took the GOP longer than it took Mother Nature to create the Grand Canyon, but the RNC and the GOP House are finally ready to give King the Steve-ho.Here’s...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead