Merrick Garland has really brought his A-Game. I wrote yesterday that the DOJ had no choice but to appeal traffic court judge Aileen Cannon's moronic ruling. But I was talking about the DOJ appealing it to the 11th Circuit...
OK GOP House and Senate Trumplets, playtime is over. It's time to stand tall before the man, even if it's your worst nightmare. Today is the 30 day anniversary of the FBI raid on Trump's Country Flubs. And in that...
Lawrence O'Donnell on MSNBC's The Last Word just spent his entire A-block in describing the DOJ's totally untenable position regarding the recent moronic decision by judge Aileen Cannon. If you don't appeal her ruling, who knows what incompetent nutcase Cannon appoints...
Michelle Obama spoke today in the White House on the occasion of the unveiling of the unveiling of her and the husband’s official portraits… …she spoke of her joy in returning to the house she raised her children in, and...
You know, I don't even want to know how federal magistrate judge Aileen Cannon feels right now. When you have less than 2 years of judicial experience, and are totally unqualified for the position, and rather than hiding out,...
Full Disclosure  Everything I know about Florida federal Judge Aileen Cannon is just what I've learned in the last week or so, since she thrust herself forward in the national spotlight, and scheduled a hearing for a motion she had...
I swear to God, this is what happens when you let Larry the Cable Guy try practicing brain surgery. It seldom goes well, especially for the patient. A quick recap. Trump got his schlock McMansion searched. After 3 weeks of fleecing the...
If you smell bullshit, then call bullshit   Comedian and activist Jon Stewart As I wrote previously, I thought President Biden's speech on Thursday was a masterpiece. He hit the nail on the head, called a spade a spade, named Trump...
Trumpty Dumpty is not happy. You wouldn't be either if you were teetering on a wall, fall one way the Justice Department catches you in a net and then takes you off to prison, fall the other way you...
I didn't knock that over Mom! The DOG did it! The longer this goes on, the more I'm thinking that, in order to do the supreme stupidity and incompetence, we need to invent a new word. Maybe something like Trumponic, a...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead