If you smell bullshit, then call bullshit   Comedian and activist Jon Stewart

As I wrote previously, I thought President Biden’s speech on Thursday was a masterpiece. He hit the nail on the head, called a spade a spade, named Trump repeatedly as the overlord of the GOP, used the word MAGA more often than he used the word the, and left a mile wide exit ramp with a bright green light for disaffected Democrats, independents, and mainstream Republicans to return to the light.

But it’s not enough, for two reasons. First, the FUX News bubblesphere, the hopefully soon to be defunct OAN, and Alex Jones’s open sewer have twisted Bidens words into a blanket condemnation of 75 million GOP voters. It’s a redux of the 2016 Basket of Deplorables comment that became a badge of honor for hardcore Trombies. They’ll try to use it to unite and motivate the sheeple.

But the real problem at this point is that Trump won. From the day he belched and farted his way down that clanking schlock gilt escalator, Trump set the tone. He opened his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and drug dealers, and from that day he became the most crude, profane, ignorant, bullying moron ever to run for office, much less actually get elected to it.

But it worked. Because 7 years later, Traitor Tot is still spouting out the same lame, racist, semi coherent bullshit, and nobody even notices anymore! Trump managed to normalize his out-of-control, anti social behavior. These days, when Trump has a Trumper tantrum on stage at a rally, people shrug their shoulders and say, That’s just Trump being Trump. He’s always been full of shit. I don’t even pay attention anymore.

Which is one thing when dealing with Trump, but the problem is that his normalization is providing air cover for an entire case of personally approved and endorsed candidates running for office. They can appear with Trump onstage, smile, say a few words, then depart the stage and let His Lowness free associate. They won’t get tarred because Trump was just being Trump. 

And they know it! They know it because every man-jackin-one of them are busy scrubbing their campaign websites of every mention of either Trump or his endorsement. They can afford to let Trump come to town to rile the base on their behalf, but don’t let their base know Trump even exists. Hell, it isn’t like Trump is going to mention them from the stage.

This is dangerous, and it needs to be dealt with in the last 9 weeks. Democratic candidates and incumbents need to start tying their GOP opponents to Trump with barbed wire. Biden is doing the heavy lifting. Remind people at rallies that Trump has endorsed them personally, and that they appeared on stage with him, smiling and clapping. Don’t let them put the problem-child back in the cellar.

And the Democratic Super PAC ads almost write themselves. You can start by using Trump’s own words to tar the candidate, imagine an ad that starts with a serious voice saying,

“If your candidate for US Senate said something like this at a rally, (Trump video* The Democratic candidate for Senate approves of and would legalize drug dens, where people could use heroin, cocaine, PCP, and even the deadly fentanyl, all of which he uses, would he sound like your candidate? Because He Is! Donald Trump has endorsed Mehmet Oz, and Oz touts his endorsement.

These Trump acolytes are using the octopus defense, and it’s time for a fire hose. With Trump inching towards indictment, and clearly delusional, Trump candidates are cutting their losses. As for his delusion, here’s a freebie for you. In his speech last night Trump related, in all seriousness that He was in the White House last week, and Mark Zuckerberg came into the Oval Office, trying to kiss my ass. Can anyone say Early stage dementia? 

The Democrats must find a way to tether these candidates to Trump and his endorsement. Trump’s ego is on the line here, as well as his status as Kingmaker. He just appeared for Oz and Mastriano. But Walker, Vance, Johnson, Rubio, and Masters are all in deep shit in the polling. Trump is going to want to hit the road for ego fulfillment that somebody else pays for, and the Democrats may as well make sure that the GOP candidates pay for it. Time to play hardball.


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  1. When Trump said patently ridiculous things like ‘I know more about Afghanistan than the generals on the ground.’ You’d think people would immediately disqualify him as a reasonable choice. But somehow, the cult members don’t see the lies, the criminality, the patently ridiculous comments based on pathological insecurity & feelings of inadequacy or they are so racist or personally/morally bankrupt (maybe not financially-I’ve seen the average MAGAt is actually upper middle class making $75k/yr/single) that they don’t give a damn what he says & does b/c they’re the same cheating, Lying, pathologically insecure full of feelings of inadequacy he is, just so long as he keeps running around in a white sheet setting fires to crosses and torturing trans kids. Despite knowing they are either genuine cult members or suffering from mass folie a deux, I STILL can’t wrap my head around how they don’t see him as anything other than he is. Despite knowing the blatant misrepresentation and limited info provided on Fox News, despite knowing they are completely invested in the ‘Trump cares about me’, BS, I’m STILL mystified as to how anyone sees him as anything other than a fat, orange make up caked, gigantic crybaby buffoon and how could ANY conservative man see this ridiculous ass as anything other the the antithesis of manhood. I don’t get it. I get N Koreans pretending their dope is a god b/c he’ll kill them if they don’t, but Trump I don’t get. It’s beyond my capacity.


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