I really like the analogy, Marge, except for the fact that Congressional Republicans are far move venal and destructive than the Cosa Nostra ever was.
As Kevin McCarthy’s Kindergarten caucus veers toward default and the wrecking of a now thriving...
As Ursula Faw reported last night, BoBo is saying now that her not voting of the House Bill Friday night was intentional, meant to protest the very idea that America will pay its bills on time -
While it...
You cannot make this shit up. You know, it's one thing when you've negotiated a deal that's about as popular with your caucus as Herpes, to take to the microphones and extol the virtues of how you ran laps...
It came in with a ROAR, and died with a whimper. The Biden-McCarthy brokered two year budget bill that extends the debt ceiling for the same length of time passed the US House an hour ago with more than 300 votes. The bill now...
I don't ever want to hear anybody tell me what a doddering dotard President Joe Biden is. Sh*t! He's been doing this for a living for 51 bloody years. Kevin McCarthy was a whopping 7 years old when Biden...
The political theater has been going on hot and heavy all day. We're supposed to be in the glide path to the debt ceiling deal and that may end up being the case. As a matter of fact, I...
Two things going on here: We live in a world of disinformation and trolling. That's a given. People who lack the discernment to check things out and get the story straight are going to be living in a distorted...
This is certainly an interesting turn of events. Kevin McCarthy and Joe Biden hammered out the basic parameters of the debt ceiling deal, which has been written about here and elsewhere. The deal is a compromise. Republicans wanted big...
Nothing like playing chicken with the global economy, right? And having America's reputation, not to mention her creditworthiness, lay in the balance as well? Good news. First of all, Kevin McCarthy has gone on record saying that the June...
Look, I get it. President Joe Biden hasn't spent 50 years in congress, and now in the presidency by making stupid decisions. And I have no doubt that Joseph Biden Jr. is acutely aware of the plate on Harry...