As Ursula Faw reported last night, BoBo is saying now that her not voting of the House Bill Friday night was intentional, meant to protest the very idea that America will pay its bills on time –

Lauren Boebert Self-Righteously Justifies Her ‘No-Show Protest’

While it may be shocking to some in the GOP cult, it now appears that Boebert is actually lying and did not decline to vote in protest, but was merely (as first reported by her staff) late to the party, showing up after the vote had closed.

CNN Capitol Hill reporter Manu Raju has the video to prove it:

Yeah, that’s right, Western Colorado, ya’ll didn’t get a vote on perhaps the most important Bill of the year because little orphaned Boobie couldn’t be bothered to show up on time. Though she tried hard at the very end, stepping up her gait after Manu informed her they had closed the vote.

And now she’s blowing smoke up your keisters as to why.

Here’s what some of Manu’s followers had to say:

Yeah, right.


Appears so.







You run almost as fast as you lie, Boebert.


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  1. This is INCREDIBLE! She effed up bigly and then she lied to cover it up. Ohhh, mannnn. If they reelect this bimbo, I am just going to pop a vessel. I hope Adam Frisch uses this in a campaign ad. This is something else.

  2. That huge majority she’s got, (checks notes), of 500 votes looks at risk.

    Other than Trump supporters, no-one likes a liar, especially a lazy disorganised one who can’t do her job.

  3. I can’t get excited about this. But, since MAGAts and I do not get excited about the same things, I am hoping they can

    To me, whether she hd been present and voted “no,” or been present and abstained, or stayed away as a protest, or just been (as she was) late, the result would have been the sme. I found her lie believable (definitely something she would do) and therefore equally as despicable as the truth, Frankly, I can’y see her voters getting upset over this lie. I’d love to bewrong, and yes, Adam should play it for all it’s worth. But I don’t think this is the hill she will die on.

  4. Those meetings in the back of the bowling alley do suck up a person’s time. Clippity clop…she’s lucky she didn’t trip and chip a tooth.


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