To paraphrase Hamlet, 'Alas poor Georgie we knew you well, more well than we wished.' Yes folks, like Herpes (not) good ole George Santos is a forever thing.  While medications can control the frequency and severity of outbreaks they...
Trump got handed a legal loss by none other than "his" SCOTUS and it could matter a fair amount. I have to admit being a bit surprised by the news that SCOTUS rejected the filing from the Missouri AG...
All I know is that I wouldn't want to see the portrait that John Roberts has hanging in his attic This took a while. I must admit, when i woke up this morning and heard the recap of the Supreme...
Steve Bannon is about to start serving four months of prison time. At the Danbury Federal Correctional Facility.  He will start his four months there but could well find himself transferred halfway through his sentence to an infamous place. Bannon...
I can't honestly understand how the male members of the Supreme Court don't all have beards. Because I don't know how they look themselves in the face in the mirror to shave in the morning. And as for Barrett,...
Out damned Spot! There is still the smallest spot of blood!   Lady Macbeth   Macbeth The simple sadistic pleasure of the moment is almost intoxicating. The condemned man has had his last meal, he's already strapped in the chair, the clock...
Rarely would I begin with a quote but this one deserves the prime spot. This is Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin (aka ECM) on her YouTube channel #ResistanceLive on Friday, June 21: We had breaking news yesterday about Judge Cannon that truly...
On the good ship Lollipop   House GOP theme song You know, there are two topics that are sure fire death-on-two-legs for the GOP in November. And those two are Trump relitigating the 2020 election yet again, and more of the usual lame...
HOOORAYYY!!! Today a federal district bankruptcy judge put the final nail in serial scumbag Alex Jones's coffin. It was announced that after the dissolution of Jones's private assets to settle his $1 billion settlement to the Sandy Hook relatives, the court has ordered the...
This is not something that you see on TV everyday. First of all, what in the name of all that is holy, is Nathan Wade, the co-prosecutor of the Trump election interference case in Georgia, even doing on TV...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead