Hillary Clinton describes her loss in 2016 as "almost eschatological." The word means, "relating to the final events in the history of the world." For our purposes, 2016 was possibly the beginning of the end of the democratic experiment...
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it   George Santayana I have used this quote so often I can't even count, although I have also used the Winston Churchill paraphrase. Donald Trump tends to have the tendency...
Now we get to the Moby Dick portion of the Mike Lindell saga, and yes, the sea plays a part in it. You may remember the quote, "All my means are sane, my motive and my object mad." At...
You all know that, as in a nightmare sequence, I spent 5 1/2 years running around in the Freddie Krueger basement boiler room of Donald Trump's mind. But no more, I am now finally a free man, the hold is...
You can stop holding your breath now, Donald Trump finally did it. Why it took him until Sunday to issue a papal bull on the ways of the heretic, Sidney Powell, who pled guilty in the Georgia election racketeering...
This is the final wrap up on the 2021 Cyber Symposium, please God may it be the first, last and only of its kind. What we learned here was: Mike Lindell truly is nuts. Fairy tales don't come true...
If you've been following the saga of Mike Lindell at all, you've seen that he has gotten progressively more off the rails as time goes by. At CPAC last month he was screaming at reporters daily while MAGAs stood off...
Oh God, how long will this insufferable buffoon be among us? How many more months, days, minutes? And of course it's not just him, it's the Trojan horse of malefactors that he brought with him into government and which...
Fresh off his underwhelming victories on Super Tuesday yesterday, when he managed to maintain his stranglehold on his hardcore MAGA base while bleeding off a solid 1/3 of registered Republicans and independents to Nikki Haley, Der Gropinfuhrer took to...
I guess this is what we'll be watching until Lindell TV can't afford the electric bill or to pay anybody to run the cameras anymore and that will be the dying of the light, literally. Mike Lindell is unburdening...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead