I don’t know where right-wing media finds its *talent.* It does take a certain type. Sean Hannity was on radio in the boonies somewhere when he was discovered, the poor man’s Rush Limbaugh at the time. Limbaugh, for his part, had found the mother lode in conspiracy theory and pure drivel some time previous, but when Ronald Reagan decided that the Fairness Doctrine was unnecessary twaddle, and did away with it, Limbaugh and right-wing radio exploded. Some thirty years later the yous and mes live in the Tower Of Babel of conflicting facts about what is real. Not different opinions, those have always been with us, but different versions of basic facts themselves.

As you heard earlier today, Donald Trump is just fine with going to jail. He’s been alluding for some time now to that being a way to enrage America and get him more votes. He might end up just revealing himself for who and what he is, an elderly man with no impulse control and no respect for the rule of law. But Jesse Watters at Fox News sees the silver lining in this cloud and that is that Donald will come out looking like Adonis.

Club Fed, that’s Watters’ cockeyed vision of this situation. The reality is that you could sentence Donald Trump to life imprisonment and believe me, I’m all for it, but there is no way that he’s going to develop some great physique. This characterization exists only in the bubble world that Tucker Carlson occupies in obscurity these days and Jesse Waters brings to life in Carlson’s old time slot.

In another physique related story today, Trump made a wisecrack about Senator Jon Tester, this weekend, saying that the senator “looked pregnant.” That drew the expected backlash.

Trump’s mockery of Tester, who is in a tough re-election fight this year with controversial far-right businessman Tim Sheehy, caused an explosion of scorn from commenters on social media — some of whom pointed out Trump was hardly in a position to mock others for obesity.

“I never realized there were no mirrors on Trump properties,” wrote the account @bobg366.

“Trump really shouldn’t be the one saying that considering how he isn’t exactly petite,” wrote the account @seskoog.

“Florida Villages Troops: Assemble!” wrote the account @dlowther175, accompanying it with a photoshopped tweet of Trump confined to a motor scooter.

“Seriously, does Trump own a mirror. He’s grossly over weight. His hair is ridiculously in color and style. His bronzer is clownish. That suit he wears is dirty and wrinkled,” wrote the account @burgh_from.

If the suit is wrinkled it’s probably because its wearer sweats so much. Trump’s got a lot to sweat about. He will go to jail if he doesn’t amend his behavior and frankly, the chances of Trump keeping his mouth shut for the next two to three weeks that this trial will continue are slim to none. I think he will shoot off his mouth and I think the judge will take the appropriate action. MAGA world is preparing for it with the usual faux outrage.

He was huffing and puffing about how he would be fine with going to jail, lo, this very day. Let’s see what happens. Somebody get the countdown clocks rolling. What will happen first, the trial concluding without Trump breaking the gag order rules again, or Trump’s fat orange ass ending up in a jail cell?

[Photo credit: This is “Trump’s Official Portrait As Imagined by Jimmy Kimmel” Maybe this is why he hates Kimmel so much.]

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  1. Trump trying to ride a scooter at The Villages would be priceless. The saying “looks like a monkey fucking a football” comes to mind. As for Tester the man might not be svelte but he’s fitter than he looks. When back in Montana he actually gets out and works his land. Fixes machines (lost a finger to one way back in fact) and Trump wouldn’t be able to keep up with him for five minutes. As for developing a “prison body” not everyone does. I’ve been in prisons including the one at Marion that became our max prison when Alcatraz shut down. There are others now that handle the worst offenders but looking up in the stands at the basketball game I and other former college players played against inmates again, I can assure you lots of prisoners DON’T spend their time working out. Trump putting in years of weightlifting to get a “prison body?” I don’t know what drugs Watters is on but you’d think his friends (if he has any) would rush him to detox to get the shit flushed out of his system!

    • I think the idea is that Trump, hero that he is, will take these lemons and make lemonade. It will be his next billionaire business, that kind of thing. That reminds me, I haven’t checked up on Truth Social stock in a few days.

    • Trump ‘working out’????

      He can barely walk the length of himself and uses a golf cart if it’s more than a short distance.

      He’ll more than likely spend any jail time he gets haunting the infirmary (Big Mac/Diet Coke and ketchup withdrawal symptoms)

    • I’ve been to/in Big Sandy many times (Jon Tester’s home) and I can tell you the man looks like any other farmer/rancher his age and I have seen him (talked to him also) actually doing physical labor-the m.f. is strong as an ox as folks who work in agriculture must be. Comparing Jon to a moron who cannot even hold a glass of water is like comparing a tiger to your average spayed/neutered house cat: there is no comparison-the tiger can kill anything it comes upon and the house cat eats kibble f.f.s.

      I don’t know if Jon plays golf, seriously doubt he wastes time on such bull-sh*t, but if he did/does I can guarantee you he would walk the 18 holes unlike former guy who can only manage 18 holes with the use of a cart.

      The delusional thoughts of magats boggles the mind.

    • BTW, did anybody notice the junk in the tighty whities “trump” is wearing in that picture? Talk about wishful thinking on the part of whoever painted that lie. Widdle mushwoom pee-pee could put at LEAST 20 of his members in that representation and still have room for many more. The guy is what we used to call guys who were not well-endowed: dickless wonders. We also called the scaredy cat ones that as well so it works on two levels for trump.

  2. He’s not going to live long enough to get his body from where it is now, to some sort of muscled ‘prison body’.

    Getting that sort of body takes time.

    Trump’s not going to live to 100.

  3. I look at Trump shuffling around the exit door of his current trial, he walks with his head down, surely to make sure he does not trip over his own feet … Perhaps he is watching other members of his SS detail, so he can walk freely without stumbling from lost ability to focus on walking smoothly …

    Watching how he falters with speaking in REAL English language, NOT, avoiding a garbled list of verbs, adverbs and useless punctuation, including his endless semaphore hand waving, his common sense was never in existence, so he, “thinks what he says is OK, but we are transfixed by his signs of an old man feeble at best, extremely limited mentally, convinced he IS healthy and fit for another worthless stint in OUR Oval office … But the reality, IS, we are expecting a fully enraged monster in Trump to appear and fold him up like a used dollar bill, emergency treatments, but a slurring freak of a human shell, called Donald Trump … At best will be the result … Being held in a security center for the Criminally Insane for the next 20 years, would probably be a life time situation for the freak …

    The GOP IS falling into a large vat of hot oil, no plan, no brains, just following the miserable, criminal Trump into hell … Biden’s successes and eye on the future, is so advanced, all the GOP SHOULD do, is turn off the lights on their way home …

  4. Traitor Tot is in such bad health that I am surprised he doesn’t have a heart attack from lifting his hamberders ans 4 oz. Diet Cokes!


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