You can stop holding your breath now, Donald Trump finally did it. Why it took him until Sunday to issue a papal bull on the ways of the heretic, Sidney Powell, who pled guilty in the Georgia election racketeering case Thursday, is beyond our meager understanding. But the Mango Messiah took phone in hand and issued this edict. Powell is now officially coffee-boyed, let the record show.

What’s that you say? Wasn’t Trump going to make her a Special Counsel to investigate all this? Well…um…yes, that was discussed. But didn’t his banning her from Mar-a-Lago sorta wipe all that out? No?

Apparently Powell was just a concerned volunteer citizen. And maybe Strikeforce Rudy was that and nothing more. Actually, that’s a good argument, especially since Trump never pays anybody, just claim that the people he stiffs weren’t working for him, they were just volunteers who spoke up on his behalf. This will trigger an argument in the law of agency, methinks, because Powell and Giuliani were certainly “cloaked with the indicia of authority” as the rule goes, and they gave a good show of acting as agents for Trump. Let’s see his lawyers argue to the contrary. I’m curious as hell to see how that one goes, since this is so basic.

Now what I’m also anxious to see is if Trump says that Rudy Giuliani was never his lawyer, he was just a coffee boy as well. Giuliani claimed at one point that he was being paid “$20,000 a day” to represent Trump — which is pretty good for making coffee, even if you’re doing it for a billionaire. I’m sure Giuliani never got it, but he claimed that’s what he was billing for his services as a lawyer. This could get interesting fast.

And maybe John Eastman was never Trump’s lawyer, either, he was just a guy with some academic theories that Trump used to like to listen to, while sipping a glass of sherry in front of the fire. Trump is quite the intellectual, you know, and he loves to ponder abstract legal theories. Maybe he and Eastman discussed quantum physics as well?

This could get quite interesting. Powell is able to testify to the inner workings of Strikeforce Rudy and conversations in the Oval Office.

And let’s not forget Kenneth Chesebro, who went to the Capitol on January 6 with none other than Alex Jones, and put together the fake elector scheme. It’s amazing the lengths these volunteers will go to, isn’t it? They just do what they do and they never told Donald a thing. He barely knew them. He used to notice that they made a lot of coffee, opened a lot of sugar packets, but that’s about it. You laugh now, wait until one of his lawyers reduces this to writing and files it with the court.


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  1. Oh what a twisted web we weave when first we practice to deceive” Trumpty must be twisted in so many webs the fat bastard can’t walk!

  2. these comments by Trump also mean there is no attorney client privilege with respect to any conversation she had with Trump or any conversation she was a witness to even if it was with a real Trump attorney

  3. America is Wonderland on acid. You can say ANYTHING and you’ll find millions of simians to hoot THAT’S TRUE!!! Why I just watched Liz Cheney pin Afghanistan on Biden and claim it was one of the worst phuck ups in our history. Hey Liz…ever heard of Iraq? Your war criminal daddy knowingly lied about WMDs, toppled Sadam, destabilized the entire region, turned his bankrupt business into midas’ storeroom of gold…oh…and got thousands of innocent civilians and our troops killed. SHUT THE PHUCK UP BEATCH! Of course now I remember she voted with Trump all the way until her arse was in danger. I guess the drugs are wearing off. This phucking place will try your last nerve. On the bright side it’s a good desensitization program for an eternity in HELL. I understand why the Comanches skinned the WHITE DEVILS. We deserved it.

  4. Good. Now he can’t assert attorney-client privilege to block her testimony. If Michael Flynn is one of Smith’s unindicted co-conspirators, Powell’s testimony may help to remove the ‘un’. I would absolutely love to see him go down.

  5. Who tells these creeps to breath in/breath out to keep alive until the next day of wasted time?

    GOP … The percentage of stupid beyond belief people in this group has an alarming effect on the rest of the world, respect for our government and Country Values declines and being a US citizen can be a dangerous status for travelers minding their own business in other Countries … The implosion of the GOP will be nothing less then messy as all the conspirators and nay-sayers are brought to justice, the insane idea that they could certainly get away with the mayhem without someone getting hurt or killed, that is mind boggling in its infantile beginning’s, this country WE love has been in business many years, Trump has NEVER BEEN A BUSINESS PERSON …

    As we search for answers how all this began and has festered to the head-long dive to HELL FOR REPUBLICANS, we find a motley group that started to rot, back when Grassley became unhinged, because our Democratic gem of a Senator left his position to counter all the stupidity coming from Grassley’s camp … The really OLD school of white haired no-accounts in the Republican GOP, like The Turtle, McConnell, who actually publicly announced the GOP would NOT help Obama with ANY cooperation at all, kept his word, and the stink in Congress has been worse every day …

    The hardest thing for me to understand, is why the Republicans would choose , at any level to follow Trump’s rants with fall-in-line support … Given all the white crosses for troops gone because they cared enough to give their own lives to save ours and our flag which stands for the republic and Constitutional framework that the United States is built on …

    Does this mean the majority of Republicans are as BRAIN-DEAD as the Maga’s out there?

  6. Perhaps Trump does not think that, being honored to give a full pardon, was the worst thing for Flynn, as it means Flynn is considered FULL GUILTY of ALL CHARGES, but then, Trump knows NOTHING so we cannot be surprised …

  7. Huh? STOLLEN? Stollen is a cake-like fruit bread, not something ill-gotten by theft. Thinking is difficult for the reptilian Trump. That’s why the malodorous mango subjectively judges like a spiteful and inexperienced apprentice, who believes the reins of the chariot still belong in his grubby little hands. He’s really starting to verbally stress-piss full stream, now. Tick. Tick. Tick.

    • tRump HAS to explode (or implode) soon! All those cheesberders have to have someplace to go other than…never mind!!! He must truly be living in a fast-food-diet alternate universe if he is going through all of the mess he’s in and still is able to put tiny thoughts on a tiny keyboard with his tiny thumbs!

  8. I was reminded of this joke:

    A guy was seated next to a 10-year-old girl on an airplane. Being bored, he turned to the girl and said, “Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.”

    The girl, who was reading a book, closed it slowly and said to the guy, “What would you like to talk about?”

    “Oh, I don’t know,” said the guy. “How about nuclear power?”

    “OK,” she said. “That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow and a deer all eat the same stuff… grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?”

    The guy thought about it and said, “Hmmm, I have no idea.”

    To which the girl replied, “Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don’t know shit?”

  9. I wasn’t aware she was considered his actual attorney. She was involved in the attempt to steal the election from the lawfully and fairly elected President Biden. Deeply involved and likely from the get-go. But HIS attorney? I barely considered her to even be an attorney, her actions were anything but attorney-like, let alone in the employ of drumpf. I don’t think he was quite at the bottom of the barrel yet for legal talent and she is the absolute dregs.


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