I don't doubt for a second that Clarence Thomas experienced racism and significant discrimination. Both while growing up and as he moved into adulthood. I also don't doubt for a second that despite all the insults to his intellect...
You know, I have this kind of a loose rule that I try to live by. I tend to try to avoid talking about shit that I know absolutely nothing about. Hell, I'm perfectly capable of making an ass...
If you thought Roe v. Wade was a gamechanger and a hot button political topic, hold my beer. The Supreme Court has heard oral argument on Moore v. Harper, which articulates a fringe theory that state legislatures are all...
Good morning you filthy scumbag Chief Justice Roberts. I hate to disturb the first day of your vacation, probably chock full of high fiveing other GOP lowlife scumbags, and volunteering your time and judicial authority to pack helpless orphans off...
Right now we're just about 3 1/2 months from midterm election day, and less than that to the start of early voting. But we're close enough in now so that some of the broad brush strokes of the borders...
I have been SO waiting for this! In an 8-1 decision, the Roberts court of extreme wussies did what it does every time there's no political gain for it, it refused to grant Trump's appeal to block the National...
The dominoes are starting to fall in Trump world. The GOP frontrunning is still reeling from the appellate court ruling that he does not have presidential immunity for the January 6 insurrection. As they put it, "It would be...
This just broke less than 5 minutes ago on All In with Chris Hayes. Chris reported that Politico has obtained a draft of the final opinion by conservative Justice Samuel Alito what will overturn Roe v Wade. In the written ruling from Alito, he...
Amy Coney Barrett's name was floated the last time a supreme court opening occurred, but instead we got Brett Kavanaugh, replete with "boofing," "Devil's Triangle," and the heart wrenching sexual assault testimony of Christine Blasey Ford. Incredible as it...
It's glorious to live in a technological age where there's a tweet or a tape of everything. Clarence Thomas spoke before a group in 2001 and told them that being on the Supreme Court was not worth the money,...