This story of Lauren Boebert is like the cloud following an atomic blast, it keeps mushrooming. It's been almost a week since the debacle at the Buell Theater in Denver, where Bobo put on a show in the audience...
This ongoing saga of Lauren Boebert fits into both of my categories of "you can't make this up" and "it gets worse." Both are so true. The video you're about to see is Lauren Boebert and her boyfriend engaged...
Nothing is worse than getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I don't know why this video is only being released now, but I'm soooo glad it's working out this way. Lauren Boebert has had a chance...
The latest news on the good Christian mother of four, who was ejected from a performance of Beetlejuice at the Buell Theater in Denver Sunday night, is that four patrons complained about her antics of loud singing and waving...
"It's nice to be important but it's important to be nice." Shall we embroider a pillow, friends, and send that to the congressmember from Colorado's third district? Because if anybody needs to learn basic manners, it is this tacky...
If I was going to do a scam like this, I would somehow change the audio to a basso profundo voice. That would have made this a decent piece of theater. The script is still stupid, but at least...
The appeal of Donald Trump has long been a mystery to so many. The advent of him on the political scene is frightening because it demonstrates conclusively that image is everything, superseding ability. That is beyond frightening, it's terrifying....
Friends, get your deerskin hat and magnifying glass, particularly the magnifying glass, or expand this image on your screen to the max. Because this you've got to see, in detail. When Trump turns and dips his head at the...
You read here yesterday how Mike Huckabee prophesied that if Donald Trump didn't win in 2024 then, by God, in 2028 the election would be determined by bullets and not ballots. So there, take that. Mike, we don't have any...
This is pessimism at the very least and terrorism at most. In between is mobism. Who can check all the boxes in the same treasonous breath? Why none other than Mike Huckabee, who once wanted to be president. And...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead