This is pessimism at the very least and terrorism at most. In between is mobism. Who can check all the boxes in the same treasonous breath? Why none other than Mike Huckabee, who once wanted to be president. And what a president he would have been. In recent years Huckabee has been huckstering for Donald Trump, selling kids books filled with what Kellyanne Conway would call alternative facts, about how wonderful the Trump presidency was. As bad as that was, it’s nothing compared to this.

That’s the size of it. Rallying the MAGA troops to war. Going out into the streets with guns when your candidate doesn’t win is not democracy. Democracy is where you kill them at the ballot box. But Huckabee doesn’t trust the ballot box anymore, because he knows that Trump is going to have a difficult time winning with 91 counts in four indictments hanging over his head and another civil suit to determine additional damages owed to E. Jean Carroll for defaming her again the day after she won her defamation trial.

Mike Huckabee is an irresponsible charlatan. There is no excuse for talking this way in America. Once again, the Fairness Doctrine needs to be brought back. It’s fine to say whatever you want on the public airwaves. But when people are talking crazy, like this, then somebody sane needs to get up and speak reason and common sense in rebuttal. I don’t know if this is the world Ronald Reagan envisioned when he abrogated the Fairness Doctrine, but this in fact is the world he created by doing so.

If you used to think Huckabee was only a fool, think again. He’s actually a traitor and here he’s inciting another insurrection. Does MAGA world not know about the people who have been put in prison for the January 6 Insurrection? It seems like that would be compelling information to have when contemplating getting the AR-14 out of the closet and doing a Kyle Rittenhouse.

Speaking of Rittenhouse, he’s not doing so great right now, with two civil lawsuits filed against him.


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  1. Mike Huckaby is supposed to be a man of God, an ordained minister. I’m not saying that they can’t be human and misled like the rest of us, but what he is suggesting is beyond the pale.

  2. Read John 8:42-47 in which the gospel writer describes Jesus calling the Jewish religious leaders out on their hypocrisy. He calls them “the children of the devil.” He then describes the devil as a “murderer and liar from the beginning. He is the father of all lies & when he lies he speaks his native language for there is no truth in him.” So do tell Mike. Tell me how YOU are a follower of Jesus. No you are a goddamn liar and hypocrite. THAT’S THE TRUTH!!!! And concerning your threat…may you catch the first bullet along with that cross eyed beatch you claim is your daughter. If I were you, I’d get on my goddamn knees and pray…pray God doesn’t exist cuz you make Judas look like a Saint. At least he knew right from wrong, and went out and hung himself for what he had done. You sir have no such moral code. Tic phucking toc…everyday you are closer to the day your bullsh*t won’t fly mutherfucker. May they day come soon!!!

    • It’s people like this in particular (ordained ministers) that played a role in my becoming agnostic decades ago. Because if there was a god, especially the vengeful Old Testament god they seem to cling to instead of the New Testament god their Jeebus who they claim to love and represent spoke of they’d be struck by a lighting bolt from “god” and turned into brimstone!

  3. Damn. It’s bad enough his evil spawn of a daughter is now Gov. of their state of Arkansas but I thought he’d faded away into retirement. But here he is and not just running his mouth but inciting violence.

  4. I love how these pampered maggots advocate violence for OTHERS to do, while they ride in limos, sleep in five star hotels, eat gourmet meals, and have bodyguards, often paid for by the taxpayers. Cowards all. Go ahead mikey…grab a gun and head into the street. Let me know where you want me to show up!

  5. If Trump is successful in stealing the 2024 election, there won’t be another election because he’ll overthrow the elected representative government from the inside and declare himself king.

  6. Getting real tired of these effing hucksters fomenting violence. I want these f*ckers arrested and put away. Their man of the cloth bull-shit does not excuse their criminal behavior-threatening the voters of this country is illegal. Should any of the morons who listen to these snake oil salesmen act on his words, they too becomes domestic terrorists.

  7. Gee, his little honey boo boo is the governor of some poo ass southern state. Does this mean she’s fair game, too? Oh, wait, she won! Sore winners, too.


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