Nothing is worse than getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I don’t know why this video is only being released now, but I’m soooo glad it’s working out this way. Lauren Boebert has had a chance to lie and deny and cover her tracks, to no avail. Now there’s video evidence that proves what actually went on. It looks like her date tried to calm down the situation but it was too late.

Now this is classic.

Actually, this toy isn’t as vulgar as the real thing. If you look at pictures of Boebert leaving, it looks like her pubic hair is showing. I don’t know what kind of evening gown would be made that way. Where does she shop, Hoes-R-Us?

Her arm is swung back and that’s where she flips off security — when she’s in the wrong, and was asked to stop. But now she’s acting out at security, like a 4-year-old.

Our man Trae is chiming in! We are cooking now, folks!

She created this mess. Let’s see her cover it up now.

She was out of control. She claims to be a “patron of the arts.” True patrons of the arts sit there and let the performers perform. They let their fellow audience members enjoy the show. This is common courtesy. Frankly, I would bet real money that she has never been to the theater — the drive-in, yes, where you can do this kind of thing, but not the legitimate theater. That’s the most logical explanation for this.

They left off that she had her own restaurant where they gave people ptomaine poisoning.

And we’re going to end by passing the hat, as always. Adam For Colorado. Let’s get rid of this stupid ____ once and for all.


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    • For so many reasons I hope she gets defeated by Frisch. 1) Colorado needs better than what she is, obviously but 2) If she would win, then she would qualify for a pension and screw that. Not with the nothingness she has brought to office. 3) The more MAGA assholes that are bounced out of office or never get in office, the better off we all are.

  1. “The bottom of the barrel, they’re scraping,
    To vote for a Rep who was vaping,
    The offense she denied,
    Obfuscating, they tried,
    Until they discovered the taping.”

    My new favorite rhyme.

  2. WHY dont you have the video up of the real action. It was all over X yesterday … and threads for that matter.
    NOTE man with her owns gay bar with drag shows.


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