The latest news on the good Christian mother of four, who was ejected from a performance of Beetlejuice at the Buell Theater in Denver Sunday night, is that four patrons complained about her antics of loud singing and waving her arms in the air while video taping and vaping. One of the patrons who complained was a pregnant woman, who asked Lauren Boebert to please stop the vaping, for obvious health reasons. Boebert told her, “No,” and then told her after intermission that she was a “sad and miserable person,” according to the Huffington Post.

Every other human being on this planet is sub standard, according to Boebert. I have written here before about how stunned I was when Boebert insulted Stephanie Ruhle on her own show when Ruhle was being the soul of graciousness. She did a softball interview of Boebert, (which frankly I thought was a mistake) didn’t put her on the spot at all and she ended the show by inviting Boebert to come back on in the future to discuss red flag laws. Boebert’s response was not a gracious, “Thank you for having me, Stephanie, and I’d love to come back,” like any normal adult would have said. No, her reply was to smirk and say, “Oh, you’re such a loser.”

So Stephanie Ruhle is a loser, okay, and some pregnant woman who wants to protect her unborn child from toxic chemicals is a “sad, miserable person.” And who is the judge of this? Why, the high school dropout MAGA queen, the joke of Congress, 1/2 of the freak show known as Boebert & Greene — and even Greene called her “a little bitch” if you recall. Huffington Post:

Theater officials told The Colorado Sun Monday that two patrons were escorted out of Sunday’s show after talking loudly, vaping and using cameras during the performance. They were warned during intermission, but continued to behave the same way in the second act, prompting their removal.

Boebert’s camp had acknowledged Boebert was taking photos, but disputed reports she was vaping, according to the Sun.

“I can confirm the stunning and salacious rumors: in her personal time, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is indeed a supporter of the performing arts (gasp!),” Drew Sexton, Boebert’s campaign manager, said in a statement to the Sun.

“She appreciates the Buell Theatre’s strict enforcement of their no photos policy and only wishes the Biden Administration could uphold our border laws as thoroughly and vigorously,” he continued.

If she “appreciates” the Buell’s strict enforcement policy, then why did she not simply comply? She was asked nicely to behave differently at intermission, but like any delinquent child, that only served to goad her on to even greater misbehavior.

And by the by, Boebert, along with saying, “Do you know who I am?” also lied, “I’m a member of the Board.” She is not a member of the Denver Center For the Performing Arts. She was also going “to contact the Mayor.” Good. Give that Yale educated Democrat a call, would you? He needs a good laugh and so we.

It’s small wonder that her own children are already exhibiting control issues and that the cops get called to the Boebert home for domestic violence problems. Boebert is no kind of role model, unless her children also manage to ride the wave of some sociological phenomenon and luck their way into a job for which they are totally unsuited by means of training or temperament and that job pays a solid six figure income. Barring that, her kids are going to learn a lot of rough life lessons in the school of hard knocks.

You have to get along with people in this life and no kind of a leader is totally obnoxious in public like this. What stuns me is that Boebert barely was reelected in 2022, by a mere 546 votes, and behaving the way she is, she’s going to drive voters away. To which I say, good. By all means. My point is that I can’t believe she’s so stupid to think she’s bulletproof considering how at risk her congressional seat is.

Now and always in a Boebert article, I’m going to give you the link to Act Blue so that you can donate to Adam Frisch, her Democratic opponent.

This woman is a disgrace to Colorado and since it’s my home state, I feel personally insulted. I can’t believe the people of District 3 did this to themselves or the rest of us and I hope they will come to their senses in 2024. There are good signs that that will be the case.

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  1. Well, Bobo the Clown is quite intimate with a sad and miserable person: herself. Nobody who acts like she does is happy, content, or anything other than a mean-spirited b*tch. And that is representing Colorado’s Third? Real great choice there folks. Might want to think about Mr. Frisch this time around perhaps?

    • Just as an aside, and I am never going to be on any kind of “best dressed” list-EVER, but doesn’t that dress of hers make her look really fat and horribly out of shape? I mean a few sit-ups couldn’t hurt. Seems like her date could do better as well.

        • It’s being commented on all over the internet that it looks like you can see her pubic hair. What’s your take on that? Are evening gowns made that way? I don’t think Christian Dior or Balenciaga are making gowns like that. But Hoes-R-Us might.

      • Did she wear that dress to the theater, or does she also wear it I the Capitol building? It may make her lol fat, but it definitely makes her look cheap. Ugh! Who would vote for someone like her???

      • A dress that tight and low cut only works well if you have a small waist. Marilyn Monroe could have worn that dress and make Bobo look like the Trump/tramp she is.

      • I can’t forgive her acting out in a packed theater like that. I’m sure the tickets were expensive and it was a special night for a lot of people — for most of the audience, I would say. And she ruined the performance for a lot of people seated around her.

    • I don’t think she was an escort online. I hate the broad, but I’m not going to accuse her of things she didn’t do. What you’re thinking of is that flake, Rudy Giuliani’s “star witness?” Remember her? She was the online escort. Her name was Melissa Carone and she became an instant parody on SNL. She even came here once and told me, “Read the Constitution, please.” I told her that I read it in law school and BTW, are you still recording Facebook broadcasts from under your bed? (Which she was.) I never heard from her again. :))

      Anyhow, to get to the point, Boebert’s face has been swapped out with Carone’s and that’s why people think Boebert was an online escort.

  2. Sad and miserable? Guess it takes one to know one. Doesn’t Colorado have No Smoking laws in public places like everywhere else? Why did she think she could get away with that in a theater?

    • Even back when theaters allowed smoking, it was something done in the lounge, never while the show was going on. I love the theater and was active in it in high school and college. I have friends who are professional actors. Nobody behaves like Boebert did. And then she lied she was on the board of the Denver Center For The Performing Arts. Oh, puhleeze. The DCPA people I knew as a young adult were all very classy people, who loved the theater and culture. She no more belongs with that crowd than she belongs with Mensa.

    • Well, she behaves in a slatternly manner. I could totally forgive her all her faults if she just took her job seriously and studied bills and did some reading and did her job. All she does is PR work for MAGA. That’s the job she’s paid $174K for — and people like Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, others I could sit here and reel off are getting the same pay and they are making a contribution to this country.

  3. Boebert could be a poster child for spay/neuter. Firsy child conceived out of wedlock. fourth because she was too cheap to pay for birth control, and now her son has knocked up some poor girl. This is the kind of indiscriminate reproduction which leads to overpopulation.

  4. Mr Hearst created Reefer Madness as a propaganda tool to protect his business interests. In it there was a claim that cannabis would make all of us into “hooligans and whores”. It turns out that was a misguided claim. Now it’s clear that money and politics were the culprits all along. Ms. Boobbert managed to become both! Must be the vaping.

    • Maybe we could do a remake of Reefer Madness and show Lauren as some demur, studious congressmember. Then she takes a hit of the Devil’s Weed and turns into what you saw above. That might work.


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