Well Mook. here we are. Just you, me, your balls, and this desk drawer *SLAM*  Tom Hanks  Dragnet
The old saying is that Money talks but bullsh*t walks. And Traitor Tot is gonna need a new pair of Nike's, because he's been doing...
The networks and media all have their own pet slogans for it, Campaign 2024, The 2024 vote, The 2024 Presidential campaign. They all refer to it as the 3-35 election cycle, like it's just another normal political occurrence we go through every...
The collapse of the Freedom caucus in this argle-bargle over the firing of Squeaker Cave-In McCarthy is stunning, simply because it's so unexpected. The resistance is coming from the most unlikely place, the moderates in the party. Normally as docile as...
If you wonder for even a moment how January 6 happened, you won't after you listen to this broadcast. This is Stew Peters aka Stew Pidd, and he speaks in very plain terms about gathering together all the guns...
The truth is slowly dawning. We all guffawed when Donald Trump came on the political scene. He's no kind of leader said we. And we were right -- if by "leader" you meant someone seasoned, capable, with a track...
The handwriting on the wall just lit up in neon lights. The New York Times is reporting that "the Texas Senate voted to acquit the state attorney general, Ken Paxton, after a nine-day impeachment trial that focused on allegations...
I have often referred to Freedom Caucus members as performance artists as opposed to being members of congress. And never has it been more true than today. In fact it's getting so bad that even Republicans want this entire sh*t show to go...
Rachel Maddow never fails to deliver on her now weekly show. Tonight was no different, but ho!, how it warms the cockles of the heart.
Rachel led off her A-block tonight by letting us all know that you can get...
Kiss your Grandpa's GOP goodbye. It doesn't exist anymore. That's now official. This weekend , at the North Carolina GOP convention, the delegates voted to spank conservative GOP Senator Thom Tillis. His unforgiveable sin? Working across the aisle with...
Battle lines are being drawn, nobody's right when everybody's wrong  Buffalo Springfield  For What It's Worth
Enough of this bullsh*t is enough. Back on my soapbox I go, and this time righteously pissed. Because whether it's you, or me, or...