Be careful what you wish for! Once people with anything above a room temperature IQ in the GOP starts thinking this one through, I wonder how long it will be before somebody takes Trump into a dark room, puts a cool cloth on his head, and turns on his Thomas the Tank Engine DVD.
In his 2024 Trump On Trial Reunion Tour, Trump is trotting out a brand new Top 10 Hit to thrill the rustics and bedwetters with. Whether he’ll ever admit or not, deep down Trump knows that nor only his tragic mishandling of the Covid-19 crisis, but his steadfast refusal to even admit its seriousness and threat when it was in plain sight cost him the 2020 election. And now Traitor Tot has a Covid bug in permanent residence up his ass.
As a result, he has a new administrative threat he’s obsessed with, and he’s feeding it to his base like M&Ms. There’s just one problem with this self indulgent mental masturbation. Since it’s an administrative threat, and since the road to fortune and glory in Trumpmenistan is for the mental midgets in the MAGA congress to give Glorious Bleater what he wants, it’s conceivable that they could at least take a damn good whack at it, and if everything does right, it might just work. Once.
Here’s the dipsh*t threat, When I’m back in the White House, not a penny of federal money will go to a single school that has either a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate! Man! That Covid bug up his ass must be driving him crazy. And as long as the Covid vaccine protests worked out so well, and wreaked so much havoc, hell, why not lose a million kids over the next 10 years to polio, measles, typhus, and other vaccine mandated diseases.
Here’s how it could work. Federal grant and disbursements to states are a part of the appropriations process in the House Ways and Means Committee as part of crafting the next year’s federal budget. If the Rules Committee of a GOP House Ways and Means Committee passed a rule like that, then in the line item process, any school or school district in a state that had either a mask mandate or a vaccine mandate would be ineligible for federal funding through the Department of Education. And you’ll notice that El Pendejo Ex President was purposely broad in his pronouncement. He didn’t say mask mandate or Covid vaccine mandate, he swung for the fences and put it on any school vaccine mandates.
There’s just one simple problem with this Rube Goldberg that Il Douche’s sh*t-for-brains supporters sure as hell don’t get, and his equally sh*t-for-brains acolytes in the MAGA caucus don’t get. And that is Where in the hell do Trump and his mindless minions think that the money they’re spending comes from in the first place?!
DUH! It comes from taxes, you morons! And I don’t mean just federal income taxes either. The government also collects a sh*t pot of other taxes, like road repair taxes, education taxes, a federal gasoline tax, and more than you and I can count. And in most cases, you know who the hell actually collects those taxes? The states do, and then they forward it on to the federal government on a regular basis.
Simple fact. In every annual survey taken in, I believe the last 20 years, the 10 poorest states in the country are all red states, mostly in the south, and every year they get more federal money than they pay into the system. And in those same surveys, the majority of the industrialized blue states pay more money into the federal tax system than they get back. It’s really just that simple. Think of it as a baseball luxury tax on salaries of rich teams to support struggling clubs.
Here’s why this matters, and it’s not why you think it is. Everybody knows that the GOP wants a national abortion ban. But even with the Cheeto Prophet and a GOP legislature in power, that would be hard to carry off, especially if a now Democratic minority falls in love with the filibuster rule again. And that’s where the Trump appropriations scam comes into play.
If you’re going to penalize states with mask and vaccine mandates from receiving federal funds, why not go whole hog? Why not write an appropriations bill that bans distribution of federal funds to any state, almost certainly blue, that offers legal abortion services? And if you think I’m being hyperbolic in this scenario, just remember this;
- Even liberal medical vanguard Planned Parenthood receives federal funding every year for women’s healthcare that does not include abortion, this despite repeated GOP attempts to strip it from the budget
- And as we speak the Biden DOJ is suing a western state over their abortion ban, based on a federal law that states that any hospital that receives federal money, which is pretty much all of them, since they serve Medicare and Medicaid patients, must provide critical lifesaving care, even an abortion when necessary
So you can see that the combination of appropriations and federal law can not only be effective, they’re already in use. But there’s one problem. This is like a landlord picking a fight with half of his tenants to stop providing heat if they don’t shop at his brother-in-laws grocery store. The tenants just move, and the landlord goes broke.
The more prosperous blue states have long been itching for a fight over constantly getting stuck with hind teat while poor red states buy steak on food stamps. And if Trump and the GOP actually try this boondoggle, I guarantee you it will blow up in their faces.
Remember what I said earlier, it’s the states that collect the majority of federal tax revenue and forward it to the treasure, and then on an annual basis the Treasury department gives them their allocated share back. Which begs a simple question.
If the federal government is going to cut off federal funding that the blue state already paid in, then why on earth would that state bother to forward those collected taxes to the Treasury Department in the first place? After all, every state already has state departments for welfare, education, medical, road and infrastructure, and dozens other that they send the federal funds to when they receive them.
Why not just distribute the federal tax collections directly to the state agencies instead? And the richer states will have some left over to lower state taxes, and even throw a little over to lower income blue states to tide them over. What’s Trump going to do, cut off their federal funding? Hell, that’s what started this farce in the first place!
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it sure does rhyme. Those of you who are as smart as I think you are have already noticed that I wrote pretty much the identical thing last week, but in a different context. That context was about blue states like California, Oregon, Washington, New York and New Jersey stockpiling a multi year supply of Mifepristone so they could tell the Supreme court to go and f*ck itself if they tried to remove it from the shelves. And as I wrote, what is the Supreme Court going to do? They have no built in enforcement mechanism to force compliance.
The MAGA GOP and the Supreme court are like a bunch of drunken sailors on shore leave in Singapore, running around writing checks with their mouths that their bodies can’t cash. And as much as I’d like to think of this as simple idle speculation, a logic exercise to pass the time, I can’t. Because the more the courts egg these silly sh*ts on, and the more emboldened the far right Jesus Wheezers get, the more out of control the MAGA crowd gets. And if the dice roll just right, these crazy f*ckers just might try it, as some final, fiery Gotterdammerung. Better to be forewarned and prepared.
I thank you for the privilege of your time.
Overreaching has always been something that ends up biting people who can’t think ahead. It’s why they invented unforeseen consequences. These MAGAhats have NO CLUE as to how anything really works. It’s all “performance politics” for the likes of MJT and Boobert and their ilk. The truly scary ones are Mikey Johnson, not Ronny Jackson. Roger Stone has a whole video of his criming on J6. Put that next to his crowing about what he’s planning for this year. All they got is bloody re-runs of shitty shows. Vote Blue all the way through.
As usual Murf, we need to paid heed when the soothsayer speaks!
No contraception either. Sadistic policies.
So, the states can NOT pass the federal collections to the federal Govt?
I mean…. As a business owner, my fed payroll collected goes to the federal address.
Hell, it’s digitally collected out of my acct to the IRS.
So, how do the states do this?
Fed is running a 2T deficit. How are ANY states I. The black?
Your largest states, you mentioned CA, NJ, NY, IL
We are it serious debt problems. States CANNOT with hold federal collections
That would be…… illegal.
Also, why write so down and rude about supporters of MAGA
It is an elitist position. And found in illogic.
Because people do not agree with a view point?
There are a host of insults you toss around.
Is calling the former president a Pendejo (Bendejo) has a different meaning in the Hispanic community then your google search team may have given you.
For LGBTQI+ month….. you think it’s OK to write homophobic terms like that?
I find this highly insulting, and generally your article is mean, divisive, and childish on multiple levels. I hope your minuscule advance sees through your hateful position(s).
As to the typos……I apologize. You all get the idea.
I’m working today…. To help offset the loss of my buying power over the past few years.