I’ve been waiting for this to happen, and now it’s finally starting. Today, on the eve of the 1st and likely only presidential debate of 2024, former GOP Representative and J6 Committee member Adam Kinzinger decided that he had something to say. And it wasn’t something as blase as just announcing that he wouldn’t be voting for Traitor Tot in November. Instead he gave a full throated endorsement to President Biden, and a passionate explanation for his apostasy.

Kinzinger joined a small but steadily growing list of former GOP incumbents, staff members, and even former Trump cabinet members coming out against El Pendejo Ex Presidente. Kinzinger is unique in his endorsement, but other former Trump confidantes like John Bolton, former SoS Mike Pompeo and even former VP Mike Pence have all announced that not only aren’t they endorsing Trump, they won’t vote for him in November either.

From where I’m sitting, (on my fat ass on my recliner leaning over the laptop on my folding table) there is only one realistic reason for this, and I expect the number to grow exponentially over the next two months or so. Not necessarily with Biden endorsements, but with overt rejections of Trump as a candidate.

Here’s why, and there are actually two reasons. First, because even with Trump’s universal recognition and publicly known sins, the race is still too goddamned close! Were it any other candidate in history than Trump, the Orange Sh*tgibbon wouldn’t even be mounting the stage in Milwaukee next month. Second, well funded conservative anti Trump groups are doing a magnificent job of finding two time Trump voters, including a heavy dose of veterans, making short videos explaining why they won’t vote for Trump again. Especially the veterans lambasting him over his cavalier attitude for their sacrifices and needs. This is known as desertion permission structure. If you bolt, you won’t be alone.

If the normal logic of politics applied here, and Trump was -10 to Biden, none of this would be necessary. But this election is going to come down to an electorate consisting of sane, well informed, freedom loving voters, and a rabid cult of death eaters. And it’s too damn close to call.

While I’m expecting that at least some of these people I’m about to name will dither as long as possible, hoping Trump tanks and they can ride this out in silence I would hope that they will step forward as men and women of honor and dignity, reinforcing the abandonment permission structure. Here are just a few of them;

  • Former Trump Chief of Staff HR McMaster
  • Former CIA Director Gina Haspel
  • Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper
  • Former Chief of Staff John Kelly
  • Former JCS Chair Mike Milley
  • Former Admiral Mark Mullen
  • Former Attorney General William Barr
  • Former Representative Liz Cheney
  • Former GOP Senator Jeff Flake
  • Former GOP representative Will Hurd

I could go on, but you get the picture. All of these are former allies of, supporters of, or appointees of His Lowness. And after close contact with him, and his mental aberrations, they know how dangerous he is. Many of them, such as the military officers and cabinet level appointees swore an oath to serve and protect the Constitution of the United States, not to protect and serve a lying, paranoid, criminal son of a bitch. And if ever the Constitution of the United States needs protecting, it’s right now!

And it’s not like most of them haven’t already aired at least some of their dirty laundry in public. HR McMaster used his letter of resignation to take Trump to the woodshed on several of his more idiotic musings. Former Defense Secretary Esper did the same, as did JCS Chair Milley by publicly posting an apology for appearing in uniform at Trump’s stunt where he tear gassed innocent protesters to hold a bible upside down in front of a church. Kelly openly expressed his disgust at Trump’s discourtesy at his fallen sons grave, as well for complimenting Hitler as doing a lot of good things, and calling the fallen heroes at the Belau Wood cemetery suckers.

It’s all on them. But with my deep and undying respect and appreciation of the military, and the personal sacrifices they and their families have made so that slobs like me can sit here and bloviate, I like to think that their military sense of honor, dignity, and courage will shine through in honor of their oath one more time, when the country needs it the most.

I thank you for the privilege of your time.

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  1. Bravo Adam. Your public rejection of Don Don is a jolt in the arm for honesty, and a foundational cornerstone in acknowledging what is patently obvious: honesty will, and always will, rise and shine above the corrosive, divisive, corrupt and evil calamity that is becoming more and more unhinged – instantly recognisable without pointing accusatorial fingers and mentioning names. Bravo, Adam you’ve joined a growing list of truth tellers.

  2. I believe it is not even close……Biden in a landslide.

    The media needs a horse race for clicks and advertising dollars and they have manufactured one.

    As I recall, Reagan/Mondale was a close race……until it wasn’t.

    Polls aren’t worth the paper they are printed on and are nothing but conjecture…….the only people who can be totally wrong with their predictions and still have a job the ne t day are the weatherman and pollsters.

  3. To ALL my fellow veterans…we took an oath to defend the constitution from ALL enemies foreign and DOMESTIC. I hope you remember that when it comes time to vote. Trump is an American nazi. We lost 400,000 fellow veterans to stop them in 1941-1945. I hope you don’t desecrate their memory and sacrifice by standing with this wannabe nazi dictator. VOTE FOR JOE BIDEN. It’s already been paid for by the blood of heroes from the American Revolution to the present. VOTE!

    • beautifully put Scott, I had tears in my eyes…And just BTW, thanks for the comparison to George Carlin yesterday…I am honored and humbled… “-)

    • And another 400,000 to drumph’s horrible Covid malfeasance.

      Vote for Presidentg Biden and ALL of the Democratic Party candidates. Take the House & Senate back. It’s the only way to get the corruption out of the Supreme Court.

  4. A query, Trump is a convicted felon. Fact. Wouldn’t that make him subject to required drug tests? Coz he’s yelling that President Biden, a mere citizen should take one to satisfy his curiosity?

    • Yes, if he’s on parole…Random drug tests with something like a two hour lead in time…Also regularly scheduled visits to his parole officer in New York…

  5. Barr doesn’t belong on that list. He’s already come out and said he’d vote for slime ball because Biden is worse. He’s still a coward.

  6. You can forget about Tubby the Ewok (Barr) or the Senate Mutant Ninja Turtle (McConnel) coming around. Barr will vote for a pile of dog crap if it has an (R) next to it.
    Not sure what Bitch’s problem is. He doesn’t have to worry about reelection, he would never live out his next term. The old crow must be worried his seat will fall into enemy hands.


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