The GOP is looking at a national crash. Just look at last weekend's GOP Policy Retreat in West Virginia. Only about 100 GOP House members attended, not even half of the caucus. One non attendee famously said when asked...
Hi! Do you know me? I didn't think so. I'm an American citizen, no different than any of the other 325 million people who proudly call themselves Americans. Except apparently I'm totally different and isolated from some 82 million...
Pop Qiz! Q: What was Joe Biden's main campaign slogan in 2020? A: Democracy is on the ballot! And it worked like a charm. Trump and the GOP kept gifting Biden and the Democrats with example after example of autocratic and anti democratic behavior....
I've been waiting for this to happen, and now it's finally starting. Today, on the eve of the 1st and likely only presidential debate of 2024, former GOP Representative and J6 Committee member Adam Kinzinger decided that he had...
I love it when I can start one of these things with a little ray of sunshine. This one comes courtesy of Ayman! on MSNBC. He reported that not only is the RNC trying to smooth the ruffled feathers...
The difficult takes time. The impossible takes a little longer Sweet Jesus this has taken long enough. To do this properly, we have to start with a little electoral history. I promise I'll keep this as brief as possible. Back in...
I don't understand this sudden media fascination with Presidential erections!  No Emily, it's presidential elections.   Oh. Nevermind.   Chevy Chase and Gilda Radner on SNL What's left of Trump's mental stability is finally cracking under the stress of his criminal behavior....
The First Rule of tactics that every great general learns, after It's the ARMY, stupid!, is Don't ever get yourself caught in a war on two fronts. From Alexander to Napoleon, from Kaiser Wilhelm to Adolf Hitler, they all learned that...
Be careful what you wish for! Once people with anything above a room temperature IQ in the GOP starts thinking this one through, I wonder how long it will be before somebody takes Trump into a dark room, puts...
Rachel Maddow never fails to deliver on her now weekly show. Tonight was no different, but ho!, how it warms the cockles of the heart. Rachel led off her A-block tonight by letting us all know that you can get...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead