The truth is slowly dawning. We all guffawed when Donald Trump came on the political scene. He's no kind of leader said we. And we were right -- if by "leader" you meant someone seasoned, capable, with a track...
Learn something new every day. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to hear from wit Brent Terhune. Yes, the man that brought you that incredible comic piece, Hunter Biden's Laptop. Would that the Comer Committee had just left...
Rachel Maddow never fails to deliver on her now weekly show. Tonight was no different, but ho!, how it warms the cockles of the heart. Rachel led off her A-block tonight by letting us all know that you can get...
Things are quiet, today, finally. The GOP celebrated Kevin McCarthy's ascent to Speaker of the House like they'd won the Revolutionary War. They preened and peacocked about what a great Congress this is going to be. If you buy that...
I'm not kidding. This is no joke, and the MAGAt GOP hasn't gotten the memo. Starting in 2015 the GOP ceased to be a traditional political party, espousing platforms and ideas, arguing with the other party, and trying to...
The collapse of the Freedom caucus in this argle-bargle over the firing of Squeaker Cave-In McCarthy is stunning, simply because it's so unexpected. The resistance is coming from the most unlikely place, the moderates in the party. Normally as docile as...
I've been rich, and I've been poor, and believe me, rich is better   Sophie Tucker You all know that I've been following politics with more avidity than the Cubs box scores for some 50 years now. And politics ebbs and...
Sometimes when skimming the internet I see headlines that make me assume The Onion finally had a hit. Then I see who the actual source is and say 'huh?' Such is the case with a Business Insider story I...
This is almost like a remake of the Mel Brooks classic Young Frankenstein. Friedrich and Igor, played by McConnell and McDaniel create a monster. Then FrankenTrump gets loose, and they can't get him back on the table again. So now...
Oh, this isn't just the best new thing of the day as Rachel Maddow always liked to put it in her segment. From where I'm sitting, it might just be the best new thing of the year! Cast your mind back to the...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead