Hello Muddah, hello Faddah, here I am at Camp Grenada, camp is very entertaining, and they say we'll have some fun if it stops raining -- Camp Grenada, Allan Sherman
I have personally never heard of a survivalist, anti-vaxxer summer...
It's epiphany time once again, friends. Today I have found Stella Immanuel's true calling and it certainly is not as a doctor or political advisor. No, she is needed to write really bad speculative fiction/horror stories. Think of her...
This is good for comic relief and it's also predictable. Now that Tucker Carlson has been toppled from his Fox News platform he's becoming a right-wing martyr.
Gullibility is a wonderful thing and the key to right-wing riches is to...
Stellaaaaahhh!! No, we're not doing Streetcar Named Desire here, nothing that classy, alas. We are talking about Stella Immanuel, aka the Demon Spooj Doctor, who hooked up with Donald Trump and his quest for a COVID cure, back in...
I remember when I first moved to Los Angeles in the late seventies a friend said to me, "Don't talk to people about sex, politics or religion, or you'll get into a fight." Politics and religion have always been...
I don't know if the universe ends with a bang or a whimper, but I do have a theory about the shit show down here on this world and how it ends. You're familiar with George Bernard Shaw's comment,...
This is what conspiracy theory hath wrought. This is the new face of a system which worked just fine election after election, but which is now under paranoid scrutiny and the object of far right-wing conspiracy theories, simply because...
Have you ever worried about death by graphene oxide? Well, you better start now, according to the latest from right-Wingnuttia, because the 5G towers are going to "activate" the graphene oxide in the coronavirus vaccines and take your life....
This is a good insight into QAnon, because it shows a woman who seems perfectly normal and sane, just one of the yous and mes, embracing conspiracy theory drivel. The filmmaker, Sean Donnelly, is objective and compassionate.
This plays for...
Mike Flynn's appearance in Texas last week was a complete flop and he blamed it all on Ticketmaster. Somebody should explain to Flynn that Ticketmaster just sells the tickets, it doesn't guarantee that anybody will show up to buy...