Not long ago, MAGA broadcaster Brenden Dilley, who considers himself part of Donald Trump's "troll army" warned his followers to "develop a stomach for death." Because yes, he's that devoted to Trump. Now he's back at it again because...
Perhaps this conservative pundit should have done a bit of research before interviewing a man who has blamed Jews for "undermining the moral fabric of the American people," and has also said that Jews run the government and are...
When they are not busy tormenting transgendered people, immigrants, or teachers (because heaven forbid their students should read books about real life), Florida Republicans are thinking up brand-new draconian laws to get them kids back to work like they...
Is there anyone who didn't see this coming once polling showed Nikki Haley within single digits of Trump in New Hampshire? Well, for those who either didn't think of it or discounted the possibility the totally predictable has happened....
Donald Trump has blown his opponents out of the water by winning the Iowa Caucus a mere 30 minutes after it started. Some of this is undoubtedly due to Trump's insistence that immigrants are "poisoning the blood" of the...
Donald Trump isn't fazed by the idea of waging racist attacks against anyone. He's demonstrated this from the beginning, with his "bad hombres" comments, his failed border wall, and his obvious paranoia about immigrants from the Middle East. Now...
Donald Trump seems to have a new delusion. He has them daily, so that's not unusual but this newest one is likely to kick him hard. Frankly, I don't even understand why he's trying this because he's attempting the...
Now that Rep. Lauren Boebert is preparing to leave voters in her own district hanging in the wind, you can bet a bunch of them aren't happy. It looks to all the world like Boebert understands she has no...
(Author's note/correction: In editing down the length of this article by the Associated Press which I drew from when I drafted this notes something I inadvertently deleted the passage with the link. Apologies for that.  I'd also like to...
Racism is an important propelling force for Trump. His early signals of ”good people on both sides” in Charlottesville brought white supremacists and antisemites out from under rocks. Evangelicals who support Trump seek more than an abortion ban; they...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead