This is a good day. A few months ago, when the composition of the Ahmaud Arbery jury was announced, I despaired. The fact that there were three defendants allowed the defense to get three times as many peremptory challenges...
This just broke around 8:30 p.m. Pacific Time. Only the New York Times has a story up so maybe other outlets are waiting to hear developments. What's known is that Derek Chausin was stabbed in prison in Arizona.
The Federal...
Where have all the flowers gone, was the hook to a popular song. But no one sings about the knocker fields and where they have gotten to. Except Donald Trump, of course. If ever the knocker fields had an...
As you get older, and there's less on your plate every day, you have more time to think. And when you have a whole life to think back on, who knows what will come to you unbidden? And so...
I’ve noticed, as I’m sure you have, that the onslaught of dreadful and deadly news of late has served, inadvertently one hopes, to shove Black Lives Matter news and stories to one side. Understandable on one level—the daily news...
I live for this shit, I swear to God. I have written on multiple previous occasions about individuals who were the victims of Klan or neo-Nazi violence and threats, and even physical abuse, and then turned around and eschewed...
The Second Trump impeachment trial begins in the Senate on Tuesday for incitement to insurrection. But as the trial approaches, it is important to fully understand the context of what this is really all about.
One thing you must remember, No...
27 year old Jared Michael Boyce had a big problem after being released on bail following a planned bonding excursion gone bad, harassing a pride event with his boys over the weekend…
…following his release he showed up at his...
This is either an above par troll of Trump, or maybe it's brilliant reverse psychology on Reiner's part: which do you think?
Tom Arnold has been talking about this very issue for quite some time. It's probably just as well...
The media are "lunatics" that Donald Trump "is fighting every single day" according to his second eldest male spawn, Eric Trump, on Fox News. Politico:
Eric Trump said Wednesday he supported his father’s racist Twitter post, which the House formally condemned...