If you've never heard of Jane Elliot before, you need to remedy that deficit in your cultural education. Jane Elliot was teaching grade school in Riceville, Iowa in 1968, shortly after the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. She decided...
It's not enough that the family of Ruby Garcia has to grieve over her death. They also have to deal with a former president who is willing to lie about her story to curry favor with his supporters. Because...
I speculate that this point in history will be looked back on as the time when every idiot with an ego and a strange political bent could get a podcast, or some platform, and start polluting the public narrative.
CPAC made it very clear this year what it has become. It's the far right-wing faction of the GOP which is committed to racism. There's no other way to slice it, when you have a demagogue with a GED...
This is one instance where Rick Scott comes out smelling like a rose, amazingly, because at least he did the right thing with the money donated to him by MAGA Floridian Steve Alembik. He gave the money given to...
Where have all the flowers gone, was the hook to a popular song. But no one sings about the knocker fields and where they have gotten to. Except Donald Trump, of course. If ever the knocker fields had an...
Now that Rep. Lauren Boebert is preparing to leave voters in her own district hanging in the wind, you can bet a bunch of them aren't happy. It looks to all the world like Boebert understands she has no...
What you're about to see if not something out of Our Miss Brooks. What has happened in this country and what is going on in our educational system? And it's not just this country. The last time I posted...
Donald Trump seems to have a new delusion. He has them daily, so that's not unusual but this newest one is likely to kick him hard. Frankly, I don't even understand why he's trying this because he's attempting the...
When they are not busy tormenting transgendered people, immigrants, or teachers (because heaven forbid their students should read books about real life), Florida Republicans are thinking up brand-new draconian laws to get them kids back to work like they...