This is one instance where Rick Scott comes out smelling like a rose, amazingly, because at least he did the right thing with the money donated to him by MAGA Floridian Steve Alembik. He gave the money given to him to charities. That was a smart move. Ron DeSantis, on the other hand, did not and now he’s catching hell for it. Alembik was a sad sack while he was alive. He was praying for Ruth Bader Ginsburg to die and here’s what he said about Barack Obama.
Hey Floridians,
Do you really want a governor like @RonDeSantisFL , who finds it difficult to condemn racism and give back a $20K donation from white supremacist @salembik who called the nation’s first black POTUS, @BarackObama, a “MUSLIM N*GGER?”
— Bishop Talbert Swan (@TalbertSwan) September 20, 2018
Evidently Florida did. That much is history. It’s also history that in 2018 Alembik went on to defend his racist tweet — saying the N-word “isn’t racist.” Isn’t that a novel concept? It’s just a word with no meaning. Or maybe a positive meaning? This I’ve got to see. Newsweek:
A major donor and Republican activist behind Ron DeSantis’s Florida gubernatorial campaign deleted a tweet calling former President Barack Obama the n-word and a “Muslim.”
Steven Alembik, 67, who has donated more than $20,000 to Desantis’s campaign, acknowledged to Politico that he had tweeted the racist and inflammatory comment after reading a Republican National Committee post that criticized Obama for saying, “over the past few decades, the politics of division and resentment and paranoia has unfortunately found a home in the Republican Party.” In response, Alembik lashed out with an inflammatory tweet he later defended as not racist.
“Without a hint of irony, Obama smears President Trump’s 63 million Republican voters as divisive & resentful,” the RNC wrote, prompting Alembik to quote the tweet and write in all capital letters: “F*** THE MUSLIM N*****.”
DeSantis campaign spokesman Stephen Lawson denounced Alembik’s comment to Politico. “We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again,” he said. “We adamantly denounce this sort of disgusting rhetoric.”
Alembik, who works in data and email services in Boca Raton, Florida, said it was unfair to label either him or DeSantis as racist. The Florida gubernatorial campaign has been marked by racially charged rhetoric as DeSantis faces Democrat Andrew Gillum, who is black. Alembik lamented what he called a double standard regarding the n-word before proceeding to list several other bigoted terms.
“So somebody like Chris Rock can get up onstage and use the word and there’s no problem? But some white guy says it and he’s a racist? Really?” Alembik told Politico. He added that language considered racist today is nowhere near as “racially charged” as the words he heard when he was younger. “I grew up in New York in the ’50s. We were the k****. They were the n******. They were the goyim. And those were the s****.”
Alembik has also repeatedly contrasted the higher number of Jewish Nobel Prize winners compared to Muslims. He hosted a fundraising gala at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home for the conservative group “Truth About Israel” in February, where he described “show[ing] support for the president of the United States.”
Trump’s entertained overt Nazis at Mar-a-Lago, why not this fruit fly?
In total, Alembik has contributed $22,920 to DeSantis over several years. He only deleted the tweet after Politico confronted him with it, and continued to defend it by saying “when I write anything inflammatory, it’s because I’m seriously pissed off. I’m an emotional human being. Do I have a filter on what I say? In public, yes. Would I use that word in public? No. This is Twitter.”
He’s an emotional human being and an unstable one, with a gun and a conceal-carry permit. All that came to a head Monday night at a fast food restaurant. Boca News:
DELRAY BEACH, FL ( (Copyright © 2023 MetroDesk Media, LLC) — The man who shot his wife twice — then turned the gun on himself in the West Delray Beach BurgerFi parking lot earlier this week — is identified by sources as political activist Steven Alembik. Alembik, Monday night, allegedly shot his wife in the back and arm. While she ran into BurgerFi while bleeding profusely, he shot and killed himself in their car in the parking lot.
The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, which initially withheld the gunman’s name, confirmed Alembik’s identity to Friday afternoon.
Alembik received national attention when he tweeted that “Ruth Bader Ginsburg can’t die soon enough” back in 2018.
Very pleasant fellow. Lovely vocabulary. And Obama was right, he is an exemplar of the population which comprises today’s GOP.
His wife is in the hospital in critical condition, which means, “The person’s vital signs are unstable and outside of their normal limits. They may be unconscious. The doctor expects the outcome to be poor, or they can’t predict how the person will fare.” Just one more lunatic with a gun killing an innocent person as an outworking of their own mental illness. And this is the kind of person who is — or was — a heavyweight in GOP circles in Florida, bottom line.
Having grown up with a Dr Jekyll/Mr. Hyde violent drunk, I have all the sympathy in the world for his wife. Him? Not one goddamn tear when a racist nazi takes a dirt nap. I just wish 400,000 BOYS didn’t have to die to stop them in WW2. If Trump trips today and breaks his goddamn neck…party time! These child killers, like bedbugs, will not go away without lethal encouragement. I wonder how many times we need to be taught this lesson?
As Aldo the Apache, Brad Pitt gave a great speech to his guerilla recruits: I didn’t come down from the Smokey mountains, cross thousands of miles of ocean, fight my way across Sicily, and jump out of a goddamn plane to teach the nazis humanity. nazis ain’t got no humanity. they are the foot soliders of a Jew hating maniacal mass murderer. I need one hundred nazi scalps, and I will get my nazi scalps!
Harsh? Just take a look at what Hamas just did. Take a look at the baby riddled with bullets and explain to me how liberal talking points could have saved that child. Grow up and deal with the reality that for some unknown reason, some humans aren’t human. VOTE OR BE PREPARED FOR CARNAGE IN AMERICA!!! The nazi party,(guns over people party), has enriched themselves by putting 400 million guns on the street. What are you nice folks going to do to stop them? It’s now or never next November.
I read your comments with great interest. Clearly, you are passionate and afraid. I am afraid, too. I am afraid that good people will either not vote or waste their vote on a long-shot third party candidate simply because they are angry that the Democratic Party is giving us an 80-year-old. This next election will determine whether our freedoms remain intact. The Republican Party seems to have lost its way. I am afraid; very afraid. When Donald Trump is talking about abolishing The Constitution and is willing to abandon our Allie’s, and Ron DeSantis is banning books and claiming that slaves benefitted because they learned important skills — I fear we will lose our democracy if enough people don’t wake up and show up at the polls to stop them.
Agree … please wake up those who want their country back from racist Trump thugs and their supporters.
Loved that movie.
Mary I am not afraid for myself. I’m afraid for my children and grandchild. I am afraid we won’t leave them a democracy and a planet worth living on. I agree we’re living in a time fraught with danger…something I know only to well considering my sweet nonviolent mother had to shoot my father in self defense after I was grown. I know how circumstances can force you to do things to defend yourself. Voting every republican out of office is the only way forward.
(((((((((Scott & Mother))))))))))))
Without getting into TMI I knew I might not be able to have children. Frankly, while it bothered by dad to no end that I might not be able to “carry on the family name” (no great loss given my family’s effed up dysfunction) and worse that I didn’t seem to care it never really bothered me. I did get married in my late twenties but my ex was like me and indifferent on the question of having kids. She did take (as she called them) “anti-baby pills” but as smart and organized as she was in her professional life in her personal life not so much. It wasn’t uncommon for her to screw up the regimen but she never got pregnant. At least via me. After we split, she eventually wound up with someone who she’s till married to and they have two terrific daughters. The first was “unplanned” which suggests all those years I was married to her I was in fact “shooting blanks” since within a year of her partnering up with the guy she’s married to she wound up pregnant! So they got married and it’s been happily even after. And I’ve always been happy for the both of them btw.
Anyway, by the time I was forty I’d become kind of thankful I never had kids of my own. Life and dating was complicated enough, and with bad times mixed in with good I wound up being outright glad I didn’t have any kids. However it wasn’t until Trump came along that I became TRULY grateful of it. In fact, since I like to cook I’ve always made a big ole Thanksgiving spread with leftovers to last until at least the Sunday after. But when I sit down on Thanksgiving itself I do take a moment to say out loud what I’m thankful for each year. No matter how difficult some years are there are always things one can be thankful for. And each year I give heartfelt thanks that I have no children (and therefore grandchildren and eventually so on) who will have to live in the wreckage of what Trump and Republicans have wrought. Maybe, just maybe we will in time be able to repair some of the damage but ugly scars will show forever. And regardless of what folks our age might do before our time is up to repair the damage, the awful fact is that it will fall to the descendants of our generation (and the one before us that are still alive) to repair the lion’s share of the damage and build something that at least resembles what we might have been had Trump not risen to power. Or the GOP hadn’t fulfilled that long cherished goal of remaking SCOTUS into what it now is.
Not having children is a helluva thing to be so grateful about, but there you are.
Let’s make it clear that the imperative is not just to “vote” but to vote Democratic from dog catcher on up. It is crucial to vote Democratic at this time to maintain democracy. In 2024 it is simply immaterial that Joe Biden is older than 77 year old Trump. Biden at any age is better than Trump or any MAGA or current GOP candidates and always was.
Maintain democracy in ‘24, start grooming the best Democratic for ‘28, and strengthen democracy along the way.
Kill MAGA as a concept at the very least and perhaps even all GOP as a concept; i.e. I am not advocating killing human being that might stupidly and/or dangerously subscribe to MAGA and GOP tenets—the way all must kill Hamas— and any other terrorist groups.
So sorry for typos, poor grammar & punctuation: website needs an edit button! Thought I had caught it all, but clearly I had not!