Donald Trump seems to have a new delusion. He has them daily, so that’s not unusual but this newest one is likely to kick him hard. Frankly, I don’t even understand why he’s trying this because he’s attempting the almost impossible: He wants blue states to like him. So much so that he plans to campaign in states that are known Democratic strongholds.

Does someone need to ask him “What part of ‘no’ don’t you understand?”

According to Newsweek, Trump who is the current favorite in the GOP primary by a sizable margin, says he plans to campaign in New York, New Jersey, New Mexico, Minnesota, and Virginia. He said he plans to invest campaign time and resources in this effort. An effort that will likely be futile. He’s probably not stupid enough to try his luck with California. Perhaps.

At any rate, Trump was recently interviewed by that bastion of MAGA dumbf*ckery, Breitbart, where he said he understood that his “heavy play” aimed at states that haven’t voted for a Republican candidate in years may be “foolish” and that he knew he’d be better off trying to win back key states that typically vote Republican, except in 2020 when they didn’t. Instead, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania all turned blue and voted for Joe Biden. However, he also noted he won’t work the blue states as hard as he does the typically red states.

But imagine turning Arizona blue. I’ve lived there and I’ve got to say that was pretty amazing on Biden’s part. I guess Trump was too Trump for these states. But he’s nothing if not resolute.

“i’m going to do rallies, i’m going to do speeches, i’m going to work them,” trump said. “that doesn’t mean i’m going to work them as hard as i work pennsylvania, where i’m doing very well.”

But Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic strategist based in New York, already knows this is the Trump equivalent of “Bang head here.” He said it’s unlikely that Trump will be able to flip states that are solidly blue in 2024. He noted, however, that this calls attention to the potential issues Biden faces in trying to win over voters across the country.

“This is more likely a threat,” he told Newsweek. “Trump has no chance to win new york or california, for example, certainly the most democratic in the nation.”

“trump will see where biden’s weaknesses—blame for economic issues—have created sufficient resentment in normally democratic performing states. where there is anger, there will be trump.”

Trump has also said part of his “heavy move” strategy in New York may include holding a campaign rally in Manhattan’s Madison Square Garden. That could be interesting since he once referred to this iconic place as “the belly of the beast.”

Well, more power to him, I guess. I think he’s going to fall flat on his odoriferous behind but that’s me. I think it’s likely that New Yorkers have long memories and of course, Rudy Giuliani, who’s now facing financial ruin, is a constant reminder of all things Trump. Even so, the former president is optimistic.

“i believe we have a chance to win new york,” trump told Breitbart. “i believe we have a chance to win new jersey,” he said, waxing hopeful about his hardline (and racist) immigration policies.

“you have migrants living on madison avenue. you can’t get into a hospital. you can’t get into a school. you go to a public school and half the kids are sitting there and have no idea what the teacher is saying,” Trump said. “you can’t get into these schools. i think it’s really bad and i think the people in new york and new jersey […] it would have been semi-unthinkable but i think these are states that can be won.”

I say let Trump have his delusions. To think a billionaire, born to a wealthy family, would have any idea what everyday people face every day, means he’s definitely entertaining a new delusion.

Go for it, dude, go for it.

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  1. New York is a Democratic Stronghold. Biden & Harris beat Trump & Pence by 2 MILLION VOTES IN 2020 in NY. New York has a Democratic trifecta super-majority: Democratic Governor; Democratic NY State Assembly majority; Democratic NY State Senate. Where New Yorkers (and New Jerseyans) know Trumplethinskin the Coward best – from being the recipient of decades & decades of death, destruction, and graft, corruption, stealing, every possible crime imaginable – they vote in the greatest numbers against him. Example: 1.6 MILLION of of that 2 MILLION plurality for Biden/Harris statewide in NY in 2020 came from the 5 boroughs of New York City.

    Does anyone really believe Putin’s Puppet has done ANYTHING TO MOVE THE NEEDLE OF 1 MILLION New Yorkers to switch their vote from D to R for POTUS? Voters are far too polarized, so expect pretty much the same result plus add in a few hundred thousand more votes for Biden from new Gen Z voters not eligible to vote in 2020, whom by all accounts are trending to the left of the general voting population & then subtract another fifty thousand from the NY voters of all ages who passed away since 2020, because more of them as a whole in NY voted for Trump than Biden in 2020.

    The real reason Benedict Donald is doing this is for eye appeal to his Magat base nationwide. He will film his rallies from some Fox News saturated-Trump voting rural NY County & propagandize how he has the support of a majority of NYers and claim the NY election was stolen because million of illegals illegally voted, setting up his fake story for a rerun that once again the election was stolen from him in 2024.

    Bottom line: A cigarette wrapper has a better chance in a hurricane than Trump has winning the New York State popular vote & it’s electoral votes in 2024. All of this presumes that Trumplethinskin The draft dodging coward will even still be alive (liver, kidneys, heart, neurological health issues) and won’t already be imprisoned for Treason against the United States of America.

    • I know. He’s playing a fool’s game. If anyone knows New York well it would be him. And with his current court problems there, he’s got about as much chance as a p*ss in the wind. But he can waste his time all he wants as long as the end result is him losing. And doing a stint in prison.

  2. He truly believes that almost everybody loves him, except for a small contingent of warped subhuman, and he can name every single one. Last time around his campaign threw away a he’ll of a lot of money on ads in markets he had zero chance of winning.
    He also doesn’t get that all his sweeping statements about specific areas are heard by people who actually live there and know better.
    Finally, the Garden? he would have to pay for that, in advance. I don’t see that happening.

  3. Dear Donald:
    Please restart the antipsychotics again. You are hallucinating. Go back to.2020 or even 2016. You couldn’t carry your own hometown. If you want NY State, you have to win NYC. And NY is,also home to a lot of colleges, and the under 30 crowd loathes you.

    *I didn’t have to a tarot reading to reach this conclusion. But if I had,,O would expect to see a lot of swords, which means you’ll be facing a lot of unpleasantness.


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