Margerine Tailhole (Gang)Greene is all in a huff.  At festivities this past Saturday that included all manner of conservative glitterati (including Brewksi Brett Kavanaugh) she again made not so veiled threats of violence.  Her comment that if she and...
The reality TV show that somehow we're all trapped into living in is a remake of All About Eve. In some quadrant of Hell there's a stage play called GOP, probably written and directed by Satan himself. It stars...
Now this is starting to piss me off. You can always tell the criminally stupid because they don't learn from their previous mistakes. Democratic Senator Robert Open For Business Menendez was indicted on political corruption charges back in 2015 for using his influence to...
Normally, I wouldn't write this article. The abortion issue is too passionate, and the political landscape too polarized on the issue of abortion for anything that anybody says to make a difference in public opinion. But they're wrong. They're wrong...
Before I start to dump on Trumpenstein, I have a Special Announcement to make. I'm so sick of just sitting around the house all day, every day, I am now Officially running for President in 2024, where I'll kick Trump's pansy ass...
Yesterday I wrote an article in which I did a pretty deep dive into the mechanics of the Senate fight that Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham are fighting to ram judge Amy Coney Barrett through the Senate and onto...
Donald Trump started proclaiming the Big Lie about the upcoming 2020 election being stolen 4 months before the election even took place. He had no evidence of any fraud, and in fact went 0-69 in state and federal courts...
Now this is something I never thought I would see. Earlier Today, House Minority Leader Kreepy Kevin McCarthy, Traitor Tots personal proctoscope, stepped behind a podium in the Capitol, and called out a Trumbie acolyte. For once, sniveling guttersnipe McCarthy minced no...
Jesus, sometimes life can be sweet! MSMBC has reported that pampered manchild Madison Cawthorn actually had to put his big boy pants on, pick up the phone, and concede that he had lost his primary. Personally, I wouldn't want...
History is replete with examples of really shitty governments offering terrible governing principles, but most of them have 1 thing in common. A strong, charismatic superstar at the top who brings it all together. And once they're gone, there's...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead