I wouldn't want to Rupert Murdoch right now for anything, even all of his billions. Because I get the feeling that the breakup he's just started is going to more bitter, bloody, and expensive than his last divorce. Because...
One of the reasons I love Rachel Maddow so much is that she doesn't just scrape the surface on an issue, she digs in. And she has the patience to not only find the pin in the haystack, but...
Rachel Maddow broke a story tonight out of my adopted hometown of Las Vegas that has to be the ultimate punk ever. It involves a school called The James Madison Academy.  James Madison is a founding father, and former President...
Back from the dead. It was a stunning development today when it was announced that the Senate had agreed on the language for a $1.2 trillion hard infrastructure bill, including $550 of new spending. And just to show that...
I have always had a problem with the United States Senate. They're a bunch of arrogant assholes. They openly refer to themselves as The Club of 100, and tend to treat the Senate as if it was Mar-A-Lago without Trump....
Stupid is as stupid does   Mama Gump Lord, I am weary. These walking ass gaskets have been at this for 3 1/2 years now, and Tubby the Ewok has been the Attorney General for two of those. How can a...
At least if he doesn't stop to think about being locked up for the rest of his miserable life, Traitor Tot loves being indicted. He avows his love for indictments for two reasons. First, every indictment gives him a bump in...
Teri closed last night, so I was fortunate enough to still be asleep, and thereby miss the post massacre pep talk from the caretaker of the workshop of broken toys. But I caught more than enough replay snippets once...
Law enforcement is a rough job. Federal law enforcement is even rougher. So federal agents really need a pal and confidant and you will be elated to know that they have found one in Donald Trump, Jr. What's that you...
I think I'm looking forward to this more than almost anything else I can think of happening over the next two years of maniacal GOP control in the House. Because once again these idiots wrote checks with their mouths...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead