Donald Trump started proclaiming the Big Lie about the upcoming 2020 election being stolen 4 months before the election even took place. He had no evidence of any fraud, and in fact went 0-69 in state and federal courts in lawsuits filed to contest the election results.

Today is the California recall election for current Governor Gavin Newsom. Yesterday GOP front runner Larry Elder started a website pimping for contributions for legal fees because the recall election was stolen from him. This was 24 hours before the polls even closed in California!

If there is going to be a Gotterdammerung for the GOP, this is what it will look like. Since the 2020 election, the GOP has tipped its hand. They have tacitly admitted that they are incapable of winning a national election. And the only solution to that is to pass legislation on a state by state basis that can deny equal voting rights to allow them to retain minority rule.

But the whole problem with minority rule is that the GOP has to maintain a big, fat vote from their constituents in order to overcome the opposition voters that they are trying to suppress. which means keeping their voters motivated.

In January of 2021, GOP operatives bemoaned the fat that Trump’s constant drumbeat of the election being stolen had a severely detrimental effect of GOP voters. GOP voters jut didn’t bother to show up since Trump and the GOP had told them that the election was already rigged. And it cost them the Senate.

Larry Elder has already claimed widespread voter fraud even before the polls closed and a vote was counted. Trump legal beagle Sydney Powell came out today and proclaimed that she had actual evidence of widespread voter fraud in California even before the polls had closed. This is now clearly the new GOP strategy. They never lose, they just get fucked.

This is where the GOP is sowing the seeds of their own self destruction. The state GOP legislatures are doing everything in their power to eliminate Democratic voters in order to maintain their numerical superiority. But that still requires the GOP to bring out their own voters at maximum value!

And they’re not doing it. The key is to get every voter out to the polls. But the GOP explanation for electoral defeats is electoral fraud. Putting blocks up against minority voters only infuriates them and makes them show up. But you have to bring your people out to vote.

The pattern is clear. Trump’s insistence on blaming his loss on a flawed system and a rigged voting process is suppressing GOP voters. It doesn’t do any good to try to suppress voters who will only fight tigers to show up to vote, if you spread the message to your own voters that there is no reason to show up since the whole thing is rigged anyway. If the GOP is going to continue to claim claim voter fraud for their losses, they are only going to start to suppress their own voters from coming out to vote as an exercise in futility.

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  1. Not that with the adoption of the infamous “Southern Strategy” it hasn’t always been the case, but with all that’s going on around the country at the state government level with SCOTUS blessing the GOP policy needs to be called out in blunt, unmistakable terms for what it is.

    They will HOWL in protest. They will shove out every black elected member of their Party and of course trot out the old “some of my best friends” bullshit. But make no mistake. They are openly (now) implementing something that needs to be called exactly what it is, and while being a white guy I won’t use the word here but I wonder if it’s time black Democrats start using it.

    What do I mean you ask? What is this policy I speak of? This – it’s unwritten but clearly understood GOP policy to:
    Stop N!%%@&S and N!%%@& lovers from voting!

    I heard that term (the second one) a lot growing up and had it aimed at me more times than I can remember and by a relative! Even my dad, who didn’t give me shit about hanging out with teammates or them sometimes being at our house because they were “Good N!%%@&S” used it. And I’ll guarantee that back in my small hometown and countless others like it both in southern Illinois and places large and small around this country those kinds of descriptors are being used all the time now.

    I’m an old white guy. But I’d sure like to know how people who aren’t white, and black people in particular who grew up in the same times I did and who have watched every bit of hard fought for progress being systematically rolled back would feel about our side proverbially punching the GOP in the face using the actual, awful word.

    I get how explosive this could be. Again, being a white guy and having been accused at times in some dicey settings (various kinda rough bars when I was young and even dumber) of being a race traitor. I at least, when I am going about my daily business not paying attention to others or they me don’ts stand out. Well, I do because of my physical size but my skin color doesn’t set off reactions until I speak up when I see shit I don’t like.

    Still, my point is that the GOP and in particular in southern states (not Kentucky – less than ten percent minorities combined) is terrified of black people actually getting registered and voting. Georgia, due to the efforts of Stacy Abrams showed what was possible and conservatives are scared shitless it will spread. Not just in the south either. But in urban and suburban areas which could tip races that can’t be gerrymandered.

    So, whatever it takes up to and including GOP state legislators stepping in and throwing out the votes in selected counties the unofficial official strategy is to stop minorities from voting. Especially black people. And while they’re at it those who support full voting rights INCLUDING easy access to registration to vote and casting a ballot who like me are white.

    IOW, Stop N!%%@&S and N!%%@& lovers from voting!

    For conservatives who are offended and hotly insist they aren’t racist my reply is that actions speak louder than words. If your goddamned tax cuts and deregulation are more important to you than the most basic of rights in a representative democracy (voting) and you vote for GOP or other candidates willing to restrict voting rights under the cover of “fraud” which proves election after election to be miniscule (and what’s found almost always is weighted more to Republicans cheating!) then you are supporting racism.

    So fuck you. If you are willing to so openly tolerate openly racist policies then you are a fucking racist. Either STFU or get on the correct side of this and work to elect a much better type of Republican that we’ve seen in far too long a time.

  2. The very fact that Trump remains a critical touchstone to these GQP dweebs is a sign of how far they’ve fallen as a party. They already didn’t have anything better than middle management level leadership when Trump came along. Their top messaging people like Rick Wilson fled the party by 2018. Now, between the “I was robbed!” claims and COVID crippling or killing their own voters, they’re no longer going to have the numbers except in the most red of red places (which are NOT as numerous as they like to claim).

    Guys like David Frum have understand this much, even if they’ve yet to understand how much they remain responsible for cleaning this problem up…by themselves. For us liberals, our job is containment.

  3. Apparently Elder’s website started FIVE days before the election. It’s run out of Washington state and was parroting stuff from the Kraken lawsuits.
    Fortunately the recall lost by so much that even Elder says now that it wasn’t rigged.

  4. In January of 2021, GOP operatives bemoaned the fat that Burrito Mussolini…

    Suppose it might have been meant as “fact”, but the Freudian Slip worked pretty well here. I’ve been bemoaning the fat since 2015.

  5. I wish they really would self destruct, a mass spontaneous human combustion would be nice. Republicans are why we can’t have nice things anymore, hell, even Jesus wants nothing to do with us until they’re gone.


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