Yo. Marge. The First Rule Of A Joke Is It’s Supposed To Be Funny


Margerine Tailhole (Gang)Greene is all in a huff.  At festivities this past Saturday that included all manner of conservative glitterati (including Brewksi Brett Kavanaugh) she again made not so veiled threats of violence.  Her comment that if she and Steve Bannon had organized January 6 (she’s kidding of course – both were involved in planning!) they’d have won.  That they’d have been ARMED, and presumably so would the entire crowd.   It’s not the first time she’s praised the concept of power via gun violence and surely won’t be the last.

But her fee fees are all butt-hurt over this latest round of criticism.

In fact she’s pissed.  And whining that people and Democrats in particular don’t have a sense of humor!  She was only joking you see…  I of course call bullshit on that.  Her “joke”, like past ones forgot to bring the funny.  She’s unhappy that that’s being pointed out.  That for a joke it was anything but funny. (One additional thought about her whiny assed complaint – she’d be a great model for that “Karen Doll” collection that popped up yesterday on the internet.  “Nobody laughs at my jokes Karen?”)

Like her other seditionist brother and sisters she’s egging people on to be violent.  No doubt she’s pissed that expected widespread voter intimidation at polling places by her pals with their GUNS didn’t take place in the midterms.  Maybe, just maybe the various convictions piling up, the increasingly longer sentences being handed down as prosecutors move up the food chain in the January 6 rioter food chain and news that DOJ is kicking into overdrive and was there all along during elections season made them stop and think.  Maybe, just maybe it started to dawn on them that in lots of places including in red states they might find themselves shelling out for lawyers!

But ole Marge Greene and her pals continue to try and egg them on.  From the periphery of course!  Got to maintain some “plausible” deniability after all.  She and her cohorts remind me of a guy I knew long ago.  Our arch rival, a neighboring town that always looked down their nose at us visited our “house” (gym) for the annual basketball game between the two schools.  It was always a charged game when our two schools met, and in the Pit even more so.  It was common for things to get “chippy” and there in my senior year a shoving match broke out that players on both sides struggled to keep from turning into a full fight.

Except for one guy.  Their point guard was dancing around the edges of the scrum, keeping ten feet away while egging everyone to fight!  HE of course kept his little ass away from any fighting that fortunately didn’t break out.  But he sure as hell tried to instigate one and had he succeeded it would have been ugly as hell.  (Some years later he came up to me at a wedding reception.  He’d changed a lot and we had a great talk even.)  But my point is that there are people who try to instigate not just trouble but outright violence – while doing their best to keep a safe difference from the violence they instigate.  Only this isn’t some fistfight on a basketball court.  Now we are talking about instigating goobers with guns, including military style assault weapons to go out and commit violence to attain political goals.

A SCOTUS decision from long ago said of the First Amendment that it doesn’t allow someone to shout “FIRE” in a crowded theater.  From where I sit there aren’t mere people, but prominent people with political power and influence who are doing just that.  I know.  The howls of protest about political persecution, of weaponizing the DOJ and similar stuff would be screamed to high heaven.  But at some point, someone has to take one or more of these asshats to court.  With criminal charges.

It looks like the DOJ might be doing just that in the foreseeable future.  Filing charges against organizers of the January 6 riotous insurrection.  Better late than never.  But until some of these asshats are convicted and sent to jail I fear people will die because MTG and her ilk will keep talking their trash (shit actually) and enough people in MAGA world are both unstable enough and jacked up enough to decide it’s time for another mass shooting.  We know mass shootings have already happened because of the rhetoric.  It’s time those doing the instigating found themselves as co-defendants when a shooter is hauled up in court.

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  1. don’t leave out the complicit media figures, and their owners. i swear Tucker is a paid Russian operative, as determined as he is to bring America down.

  2. Gang-green and her cohorts are priming their fan-boys to get violent when she and her gang are finally indicted, tried and imprisoned. The GOP is now a seething pit of vipers slithering in their own filth.

  3. Someone needs to tell the silly GA twat that had people been armed and if they had started using their firearms, all hell would have come down on their heads and it would be highly unlikely many of the J6 insurrectionists would have escaped with their lives. So long as they kept their violence limited to vandalism, they would at least live to see another day of being dumb-asses. Had they started a shoot-up in the ok corral, had they actually gotten their hands on any member of congress, I’m pretty fucking sure the 25th would have been invoked and mango man would have been relieved of his position. After that, it is highly likely the big guns would have been called in and a large portion of the insurrectionists would have been labeled, with bullets, as traitors and terrorists.

    That dumb c*nt really doesn’t realize just how lucky she is to be incapable of being anything other than a tool and quite frankly not a very useful one at that. I would think she’d shut her idiot mouth considering there are people pointing to her as being the one who left that pipe-bomb.

  4. Here’s a joke that Margie should find absolutely laugh out loud hilarious:

    How do you improve Margie Greene’s intelligence? Whack her over the head with a baseball bat.

    What’s that, Margie? You don’t think that’s funny? Well, you just don’t have a sense of humor.

  5. “A SCOTUS decision from long ago said of the First Amendment that it doesn’t allow someone to shout “FIRE” in a crowded theater.”

    Denis, that decision said the First doesn’t allow someone to FALSELY shout “fire” in a crowded theater.

    FALSELY shout.

    (It’s not really a good idea to shout “fire” in a theater at all but if there is an actual fire breaking out and you have no other recourse, then do shout it. The main principle behind the entire concept is that shouting “fire” could lead to mass confusion and the possibility of massive personal injuries and property damage. Falsely shouting “fire” would likely be done for the amusement of the shouter and the person could be held criminally liable for injuries and the property damage; shouting “fire” if there’s a fire should relieve the person of any liability. The best thing to do is to alert the theater management and let them handle it but, again, fires don’t really care about things like “propriety” and won’t generally wait for you to do the proper thing.)


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