I guess Donald Trump, Jr. knows who his demongraphics, sorry, demo-graphics are, right? I mean, he should know who his remarks are uber tailored to appeal to, who is virtually hanging by his Instagram feed day and night, waiting...
Look,I was born, raised, and spent the first 48 years of my life e living in the burbs Chicago. I cut my political teeth in a town where politics was a bare knuckle bloodsport. But fair or foul, clean...
I would have thought that even Marjorie Taylor Greene would not stoop this low, but to think that is to deny the foremost principle of today's GOP: They have no bottom. There is no low they won't go. Greene was...
Jackie Kennedy once opined that if you didn't raise your children right then nothing else you did really mattered all that much. I wonder what she would think of Christian Walker. Walker takes to the airwaves frequently to mock...
Donald Trump, Jr. must be jealous of Volodymyr Zelensky because he wouldn't surrender to Putin like Daddy did. Or, maybe he's jealous because Zelensky has some actual performing talent, and if you put all the Trumps together, between them...
We always reminisce this time of the year. Right Wing Watch is doing a countdown of some of their favorite clips ever, as they celebrate 15 years in business and as 2021 turns into an old man and baby...
Rule of thumb: If you spend years attacking and attempting to demonize a group of people because such rhetoric is popular with your viewers and drives ratings, you don’t get to suddenly switch gears and pretend to be a...
Rachel Maddow just had a brilliant block tonight. It was entertaining, funny, and inspirational. And best yet, it showed the way forward to beat the homophobic GOP state legislatures at their game. And it has nothing to do with...
I guess the equivalent of anti-woke is stone cold out of it, or at least that's the only thing you can conclude when you see this beyond parody post of Sarah Huckabee Sanders. On the drawing board it was...
What you are about to see takes the absolute cake. You're actually going to hear a homophobic man exclaim his concern over his son's sexuality above and beyond the fact that the son is an accused murderer of five...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead