I would have thought that even Marjorie Taylor Greene would not stoop this low, but to think that is to deny the foremost principle of today’s GOP: They have no bottom. There is no low they won’t go.

Greene was feeling her oats at the Georgia Trump rally, flanked by good buddy Matt Gaetz, who claimed that when the Republicans took back the House, that Donald Trump would become the Speaker of the House.

Then Greene shared this.

The Buttigiegs are courageous people. This is what happens when you’re a minority and you’re out there in the spotlight. I read Sammy Davis, Jr.’s biography and he spoke of all the public humiliation that he took, saying “I’m just rounding the bases so some other guy can come behind me and get in the game.”

Bigotry is bigotry. Greene is here suggesting that that Pete and Chasten Buttigieg are child molesters, because that goes along with gay people being perverts. Very, very ugly.

I hope that Georgians decide that they don’t need Marjorie Taylor Greene giving them a black eye and vote her the hell out of public life and back into obscurity. Greene is trash with cash. She’s a walking advertisement for the principle that money doesn’t buy class.

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  1. Seems like this is the definition of slander. Yes, voting the c*nt out of office is a start, but only a start. Take her to the cleaners in court as well. Defamation is NOT free speech and the RWNJ’s need to be taught this–let’s start with this idiot.

    • It seems to me that she’s getting pretty close to the actual malice standard that you need to win. She might have just crossed the line. I hope so. I would love to see her made an example of.

  2. Ummmm…..why would a couple of gay guys want to go into a girl’s bathroom in the first place??? The statement itself makes no sense.

    …..but coming from a guy named “Marge” in a steroid induced stupor makes it all the more strange.

    • I noticed that as well. The idea of them being perverts preying on children would have been better expressed if she accused them of going into the little boys’ bathrooms. But I think what may have happened is she is so into her trans rants, that she came up with what she did.

  3. Ugly is the very definition of Marge Traitor Greene! I am not talking about looks, though I don’t consider her to be attractive in that respect. I am referring to her words and actions, which are as ugly as any we have seen from such as Traitor Tot, and his republiKKKan cronies!
    Ugly (with a capital UG!) has become the very essence of the GQP!!

    • She is mean spirited and unkind. She’s in politics to be a troll. It’s a shame that Trump brought these characters into being, but that is exactly what happened.

      • This is a case where an unattractive woman has can inside far uglier than her outside. I have the niece From.Hell.who is just like her in looks and beliefs: Anti-vaxxing Young Earth Creationist homeschooling evangelical. In 15 years caseevaluations she will BE MTG. She made my life hell.for 12 years.

  4. Trash with cash. I love it, and it’s so true. She is absolute trash. She runs off at the mouth saying things she doesn’t believe just to get people to vote for her and send her money regardless of the impact of her words on individuals or this country. She’s garbage.

  5. Personally, I’d love to hear Buttigieg come back with, “Well, Marge, I and my husband will stay out of girls’ bathrooms if you’ll stop going in them. They might take a look at you and think they’re looking at an ugly man in cheap ladies’ clothes.”

    This season’s “RuPaul’s Drag Race” has had several out trans contestants (including one who came out as trans during filming) and every last one of them looks more feminine out of drag than Marge looks as a (supposedly) “real” woman. Hell, even the show’s first openly straight cis-male contestant looked more female out of drag than Marge does.

    And, it is absolutely hilarious that NONE of these idiotic transphobes EVER considers the trans men who would be forced to use women’s bathrooms if forced to use a bathroom that matches their “real” gender (despite most of them sporting beards or other full facial hair and wearing distinctively male clothing). During the “bathroom wars” that raged in North Carolina some years back, several trans men posted pictures of themselves in women’s bathrooms asking the politicians why they didn’t have a problem with them (who visually looked like they could’ve been cosplaying as Grizzly Adams). Odd thing, they NEVER got an answer. Just pure crickets from the overwhelmingly male GOP legislators and governor who passed the law.

    • Yeah. It cost the state millions from canceled venues. Funny how the Gop isn’t concerned about their ‘boy’ trying to overthrow democracy but is SO concerned about peepees & vaginas. Perverts? You might ask? U betcha.


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