We always reminisce this time of the year. Right Wing Watch is doing a countdown of some of their favorite clips ever, as they celebrate 15 years in business and as 2021 turns into an old man and baby 2022 is ready to be born. This one is a classic. The homophobia is not only strong with this one, it reeks from every pore. This *preacher* was on good enough terms with Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and nutty creationist Bobby Jindal, to share a podium with them. And he’s noted for being  the Kill the Gays preacher.

If the kid had you for a father, he might cover himself in manure.

As usual, this *pastor* invokes divine authority for what he says.

“Any time the nation has taken up a fight with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, the Creator of the universe, you don’t pick a fight with the Creator of all of the galaxies, all of the planets, this entire solar system, you don’t pull together a couple of ants and lift a fist to the Almighty and think you can get away with it,” he said. “This is, I think, the reason why the media firestorm — we have touched the conscience of a nation and they realize they’re in trouble, they’re in trouble with the God of the universe.”

Swanson also didn’t like the Equality Act in 2019 or Taylor Swift’s contribution on the subject. No sir, he did not.

Swanson added that the Equality Act, which passed the House and awaits voting in the Senate, is “intended to persecute Christians if they don’t want to celebrate homosexual, heathen rites and rituals.”

“So what do we say to Taylor Swift and her new concoction, ‘You Need to Calm Down’?” Swanson asked his listeners. “I think we just tell Taylor Swift that she’s a fool. That she doesn’t fear God, and sooner or later, God will cut her down.”

This guy broadcasts out of Colorado, some town called Elizabeth. What’s up with Colorado these days? It wasn’t producing this kind of character, nor Lauren Boebert or Jenna Ellis, when I lived there. But then again, the GOP wasn’t nominating the likes of Trump back then, either. They were just getting around to Ronnie Reagan. I now realize what a lonnng strange trip it’s been.

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  1. Preachers. My dad gave ten grand to the First Baptist church after my mother died last year. The guy is pleasant enough, but he is a lawyer as well as a minister and teaches online classes for Liberty University. I am thinking of asking him to sue the governor, Tater Tot Reeves for defamation. Tater Tot was on the Sunday shows talking about all the tens of thousands of babies killed by abortionist (Democrats). I take exception to that and will pay money to call out the fascist traitors over their despicable tactic. He unethically took my father’s money, the preacher. Daddy had a traumatic brain injury in 2014 and was hours away from dying when I got him to a brain surgeon. He had dementia in addition to the brain bleed. Can I be so cold as to use that as leverage? I’ve been through ship wrecks at sea for this mostly fascist country, I think I could use this parasite to make an unforgettable statement.

  2. I expect Ms. Swift is making a shit ton amount of money. Considerably more than this fool preacher (but I repeat myself) ever has made in his sorry life. More than he ever will in fact. And while I realize amassing large piles of cash does not demonstrate anything other than the ability to do that, the people that fool preacher is performing for think it is the end all and be all. The only question here is, since that wealth is all preacher boy’s fan club think is important, why on earth aren’t they paying more attention to the young lady making so much of it? BTW, not a fan of Swift or her music but still…


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