There's a good reason why European countries over the centuries have had to toss the occasional revolution. Because when a ruler is not only filthy rich, but also feels entitled and insulated from the rest of us, they have to go. There's no...
What are all those guys fighting about?  Well, you know, if it isn't sport or politics, it's most likely religion.    Old Irish Quip This just broke today, so you might not have heard it yet. There was a poll...
I'm not kidding. This is no joke, and the MAGAt GOP hasn't gotten the memo. Starting in 2015 the GOP ceased to be a traditional political party, espousing platforms and ideas, arguing with the other party, and trying to...
Learn something new every day. Today, ladies and gentlemen, we are going to hear from wit Brent Terhune. Yes, the man that brought you that incredible comic piece, Hunter Biden's Laptop. Would that the Comer Committee had just left...
I’m here all weekend, try the veal… I apologize if this has been posted here before, last night was the first time I had seen this particular clip and I didn’t realize it was from Saturday when she also made...
You know, at this point, I think about the best thing you can say about Machine gun Margie is that, if she could learn how to hold her arms up like a referee signaling a touchdown, she'd make a...
The GOP is looking at a national crash. Just look at last weekend's GOP Policy Retreat in West Virginia. Only about 100 GOP House members attended, not even half of the caucus. One non attendee famously said when asked...
Well Mook. here we are. Just you, me, your balls, and this desk drawer *SLAM*   Tom Hanks   Dragnet The old saying is that Money talks but bullsh*t walks. And Traitor Tot is gonna need a new pair of Nike's, because he's been doing...
This kind of shit could only come from the mouth of a man child who could literally shoot somebody in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any votes. Trump wasn't kidding. He was giving what he thought was an...
Oh, this isn't just the best new thing of the day as Rachel Maddow always liked to put it in her segment. From where I'm sitting, it might just be the best new thing of the year! Cast your mind back to the...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead