Here we go again. You would think that after the awfulness spawned by the denial of the 2020 election results and the subsequent conspiracy to not certify the election, and all the mayhem that ensued, that they would have learned. But all that has in fact been learned is that the GOP is unteachable and the MAGAfication of the party has set it up to be serial lawbreakers. I fear for democracy with this going on. If is simply incredible that on the same morning we have two candidates for VP on the Republican ticket who cannot or will not answer a yes/no question with a yes or a no. Kristi Noem did it when she couldn’t simply say, “no” she did not meet Kim Jong-Un and now Tim Scott refuses to simply say he will or will not accept the results of the 2024 election.

Why is this even an issue for discussion unless there is some possibility that no, for the second time in a row, Trump will not accept a loss and will spin it as a conspiracy? And then what will he do, send the MAGA troops to Washington in January of 2025 and it’s a replay of 2021? I suppose anything is possible.

I wonder if anybody is coaching Scott’s political career right now? Because I cannot see this as a good posture to take. This is out and out setting the stage for further erosion in trust in our election system. How can Scott think that this posture looks good in any way?

Tim Scott might in fact be Trump’s VP. Scott is supposedly capable of *delivering* the Black vote. That I’ll believe when I see it. What would be a five star howler, though, is watching Scott debate Kamala Harris. That will be a show for the ages, should it come to pass. Harris debating Marco Rubio would also be amusing but not nearly so much as Harris v. Scott. Maybe that’s what we’ll see.

It’s going to be a long hot summer and a wild fall, I think we’ve seen enough to know that much at least. And this election is filled with far more variables than any in our history. Trump may be redoing Grover Cleveland’s unique two non-consecutive term run, but that’s where the similarities stop. Cleveland lived in an entirely different day and age and he wasn’t losing civil cases right and left, nor under criminal indictment in four different jurisdictions.

Despite all that, the contenders for Trump’s VP are all dewy eyed like pageant contestants, positively thrilled with the idea of standing besides the orange man who may be on his way to wearing a jumpsuit that matches his complexion. Henry Kissinger was right: power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.


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    • ALL MAGAs are a disgrace, and can barely be considered human. If they cannot be deprogrammed somehow, they must be deported!

  1. S.C. cannot be counted on getting rid of this magat-they have miss lindsey and haven’t rid themselves of that senator. I was hoping a bunch of these idiots would be swept out like the trash they are by their stance on women’s healthcare but they been put into office after proving their views are from the dark ages-small chance they’ll be voted out now.

    This guy is as stupid as cotton, howler, daines, etc. If the populace is largely ignorant, they will put idiots in high office. Intelligent citizens have no patience with this asininity and therefore do not elect these types of yahoos.

    A Harris v. Scott debate will be very much like a Biden v. trump debate-the D side will have arguments at the ready to defend their positions on the issues of the day and the R side will snivel, whine, bellow, and since they have no platform nor intelligent positions in line with the majority of Americans, they will not be able to defend anything. But I’m sure scott will spend a great deal of time standing behind V.P. Harris much like the mango moron did during his debate with Hilary Clinton. I’m also sure V.P. Harris will ignore this fool’s dumb ass exactly as Hilary did trump. Although it’d be priceless if V.P. Harris turned around and said “Get your damn fool ass behind your podium and debate f.f.s. You look like an idiot”. She has too much class but it would be something for the ages.

    These fools shame our nation.

  2. We’ve got laws. Anyone who chooses to ignore those laws needs to be kicked out of running for office. It’s time to kick these corrupt authoritarians out of the elections. Either they believe in democracy or they can go back to the gutter of idiocy, where they came from.

  3. No one is considering the fact that they have the cheating mechanisms in place to win no matter how we vote. That the vote will be rigged somehow and dfg will win by a landslide because they somehow have the voting systems rigged, just as they accused the democrats. Didn’t they actually get possession of the voting machines for a while during the whole debacle of the rigged elections? Or is my memory failing me? I smell something rotten in the answers they are all giving. It’s like they KNOW, not believe, that the outcome will be as they desire. Just a thought…..


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