We take a brief break from concerns as to the state of a world teetering on the brink right now to make sure we don't miss any of the craven, desperate principles with which Trump governs: Trump proposed holding...
Finally, we heard Trump denounce race-based hatred, white nationalism, today. However, we can never forget or forgive the fact that Trump disbanded the DHS Domestic Terrorism Unit last April. From the Daily Beast's report last April: In the wake of this...
Donald Trump touts himself as a “brand” an ineffable, inscrutable, as potent as it is unascertainable, he persuades us, brand. That may have been the case for some number of years, but as of 2015, the brand has been in steady decline. “The wall that he [built] was more around his merchandise than it was […]
Stormy Daniels nee Stephanie Clifford sued Michael Cohen and her former lawyer Keith Davidson in California Superior Court today, alleging that Davidson violated attorney-client privilege and withheld relevant communications from her and from her current lawyer, Michael Avenatti. The...
Again, one can only wonder what The Onion does to stay in business, because it's headlines are now routinely on the front page of the New York Times. Parody has apparently committed seppuku, probably the same day that Irony...
I would say it gets curiouser and curiouser in Trump world, but actually it doesn't. The thing that is monumental and appalling about Donald Trump is that he has no remote clue of the dimension or the gravity of...
Anthony Scaramucci never said he would take a bullet for Trump, but somehow the Mooch has reached the same fork in the road as Michael Cohen did, and made the same decision. He and Trump are kaput. The fracas...
Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have good luck with the military, at least it hasn’t been his strong suit this week. He made a complete ass out of himself arguing about Agent Orange with veterans, because all he knows...
Laundering mistress payoff money isn’t officially an area of legal specialization, nevertheless it is Michael Cohen’s metier. Remember the smoking gun of Watergate, where Woodward and Bernstein found a $25,000 deposit made with campaign funds put into the bank account of one of the Watergate burglars? Michael Avenatti has found something similar. Vanity Fair: Indeed, […]
Sorry, the “breaking news” in this submission is the “breaking news” that this country has conditioned itself to being run by an old-school, dictator-wanna be, cigar-chomping, medal-wearing, balcony-standing, impulsive, man-boy. It is no longer “breaking news” when the President of the United States, rage tweets, spewing vicious hatred toward a specifically-named reporter and source, and […]



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead