Again, one can only wonder what The Onion does to stay in business, because it’s headlines are now routinely on the front page of the New York Times. Parody has apparently committed seppuku, probably the same day that Irony put her head in the oven. Donald Trump actually tweeted this into the world Tuesday night.

Take that, Denmark. Little Donny Dumb Dumb won’t come over to play, unless you promise to sell him your sandbox. He’s running the hood, after all, and calls all the shots. And since you’re not a nuclear power run by a dictator, he’s not going to play nice, or say how great a leader you are — why should he?

I’m starting to wonder if Vladimir wants Greenland. Trump spoke with Putin on the phone on August 2, when Trump offered Putin assistance with wildfires — California, the most populous state in the nation could go screw when it was on fire, but Trump got right on the phone to help out Russia. He didn’t say a word about raking forests, either.

Consider this: maybe Greenland is a bauble that Putin wants Trump to procure for him, so that he doesn’t have to release all the kompromat he has on Trump — especially at a time when the economy is tanking? Just wildly speculating here. What else can one do when confronted with a perfectly idiotic statement like this one, except try to extrapolate what it could possibly mean?

Or, maybe it’s this simple: Trump saw something on Fox News he didn’t like and he needs to lash out at somebody and so he’s decided to do a Justin Trudeau-esque maneuver, and disparage a country that has only meant us well in the past. Or, maybe he just now heard that Denmark’s foreign affairs minister said recently, “If he is truly contemplating this, this is final proof that he has gone mad.” Or, maybe Rex Tillerson is right, and Trump is simply a “fucking moron” so why bother trying to figure him out? Your guess is as good as mine.

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  1. Don’t overthink it, Ursula. Simplest explanations are best, as Ocaam’s Razor reminds us. Trump honestly thought his aide was serious about buying Greenland, went for it and he got major egg on his face. Humiliation in three easy steps!

      • There has been, for many years until his death more recently, a famous piano man/comedian from Denmark his work will live on forever but, one of his jokes was, since he was staying in a fine hotel in town, he thought everything was great, only a small complaint … “The little sign by the shower/tub said place the curtain inside the tub before taking a shower … it was difficult getting all those metal hangers off the curtain … to get it in the tub” …

        His signature statement was, he wanted to thank his parents for making his show possible, also wanted to thank his children for making it necessary … with a grimace …

        He said his father played the viola, he new it was a viola because it burned longer than his dad’s violin ….

        If you don’t know his name or his wonderful ability to actually play the classics, … (his comedy was so successful, the concerts became his playground) … I’ll give you a clue to this man’s name, his first name was Victor, his last name was —ga

        This man made people laugh, using simple misunderstandings of our language, his phonetic reading of dramatic text with his sound effects and other things was outrageous … his talent, great understanding of human kindness and could mess with the audience for a whole evening show if you get a chance download one of his shows or get one of his DVD’s … we NEED his simple humor to calm the fears from the WH …

        GOTV throw this rotton DJT out of the WH …

  2. I seriously doubt that Dumb Quixote, who continues to create windmill dragons that only he can slay, could even point out Denmark on a map…..none the less Greenland.

    I wonder if anyone has pointed out to him that Greenland is the one covered in ice…..then again, which climate change, in 20 years who’s to say?

    Every time this moron opens his mouth he weakens the nation.


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