I would say it gets curiouser and curiouser in Trump world, but actually it doesn’t. The thing that is monumental and appalling about Donald Trump is that he has no remote clue of the dimension or the gravity of the circumstances in which he finds himself, and that’s a constant. He is Alice in Wonderland, truly. He just finds himself a stranger in a strange land and he’s winging it, using all of the tools at his disposal, sound bites and photo ops, tanning beds and hairspray. He’s got the artifice and the surface down and no remote clue of the substance — and what is truly fantastic, is that he won’t listen to anyone who does have a clue.

Trump is in Osaka Japan for the Group of 20 Summit and RawStory has a clip by CNN showing Trump telling Putin, laughingly, “don’t meddle in the election.” This is all a joke to him. It’s not real. He doesn’t care. It’s all just a lark, without consequences, as Trump’s life has always been.

Hit the link and get a clue about the substance of the person who is now the sitting POTUS, who swore an oath to protect us from all threats, domestic and foreign. Not that you will be surprised, especially — but there’s something in his mocking, cavalier attitude, bordering on a sneer, which is particularly disturbing.

Thanks to Durrati for finding this tweet, which was not available Thursday night when I wrote this. You get to see Putin laughing too. He must be having a great time, pulling off this coup with the complicity of Trump — and the laugh’s on us.

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    • Oh, yeah, this is stand up comedy for Trump. What silliness, an in joke between Putin and Trump, just two wild and crazy guys. No wonder the civilized world is completely disgusted with us. For the first time in my life I’m having fantasies of fleeing to Canada if he gets reelected.

      • I have already told my husband that if the worst happens, we are on our way to Canada and I might even apply for Canadian citizenship! I told him I wasn’t kidding either, I’m as serious as a heart attack! I will not stay here and watch everything burn to the ground!

    • It just gets better. See the new piece about how Trump joked with Putin about getting rid of journalists. Ha, ha, ha, it’s all so comical. Just two big shot world leaders, having a chuckle.


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