It Never Stops: Trump Suggests He Host G7 at His Golf Resort. Of Course He Did


We take a brief break from concerns as to the state of a world teetering on the brink right now to make sure we don’t miss any of the craven, desperate principles with which Trump governs: Trump proposed holding the G7 at his Doral golf club in Miami next year. The suggestion screams self-interest in the fees paid, and the free advertising opportunity, demonstrating the one seamless principle by which he governs, himself over country.

“We haven’t had anything that could even come close to competing with it, especially when you look at the location.”

Jesus Christ on the green in two, this is just so embarrassing. “The location?”

It is summer, the season that opens up highlands and oceanside locations only desirable at the “best time of the year.” The G7 meetings generally seek out places associated with natural beauty, Toamino Italy on the Sicilian Coast under the shadow of Mount Etna, Quebec Canada on the bluff above the St. Lawrence seaway, and the southern French coastal town Biarritz, to name the last three. In other words, the meetings have not been held in Milan, Toronto or Paris. Nice places, all, but big cities, a primary concern being “five minutes from the airport,” and a great golf club.

Until Trump. Though, no one is saying the deal is set in stone … yet. But, it is the theme that matters here. Let us move on in the commercial/comments.

“They love the location of the hotel, they also like the fact that it is five minutes from the airport. And it is Miami, Doral Miami, so it is a great location.”

Set aside that we do not know who “they” are in this conversation, and focus momentarily upon the fact that each of these leaders can helicopter into the location from a major airport in less than twenty minutes, which is apparently overly burdensome to Trump, even while representing the nation. Or it is simply part of the commercial to American golfers.

My god, who on Earth would choose Miami in summer, at a golf resort, over some of the other choices offered up in his massive nation? Cape Cod? Kalispell Montana? Santa Fe New Mexico? That’s literally off the top of my head as to places I would much rather be if I had my choice of the entire country, in summer. My choice would not focus upon golf, proximity to a major airport, and especially not where I could make a buck off it, which is really what underlies this “idea” and we all know it.

“We can learn a lot from what they did here, even architecturally, the way the rooms were set up and designed.”

Said the man infamous for needing to learn nothing about anything.

Sigh. The bleat is enlightening. Even in this time of turmoil, and even in some of the most serious annual meetings on the globe, it is still about him and his fortune. Speaking about his fortune, need we point out that real billionaires are not caught up on any one weekend and free commercials? Nor TV shows?

No, real billionaires are too busy looking after the entirety of their long-term worth, which includes their self-respect. Should they have any.


Peace, y’all. We’ll get back to the world going to hell in a bit. This is just a head-shaking diversion.


[email protected]



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    • I just showed your comment to my wife, and she certainly disagrees with you, at least, on that one.
      But, with respect to this stuff, it is just so elementary, that it would be impossible for any learned Trump-supporter to not agree, at least “somewhat.”
      Then having watched the press conference, the only part where he became energized was in discussing his wonderful property, which he spent far more time describing and persuading than any other answer he gave.
      It is just so obvious that he wants to profit off this, enlarge himself off this, that it’s embarrassing to hear from other leaders who never reference themselves personally at all, it is all about their nation, not them.
      We need a real president again. If Obama stepped in suddenly, his approval ratings would be near 70%, which is amazing.

  1. “the entirety of their long-term worth”
    That picture of Dimwit Donny in the magat cap captures it entirely. That’s it, that’s all there is, just him, nothing or no-one else, once you subtract his debts from his assets.
    Just a hollow little man of no substance.


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