"President" Trump is telling his advisers that he is eager to pull the security clearances of more people that have been involved in the intelligence community and been critical of Trump, according to the Washington Post. Of course he is,...
Sometimes it feels like we cover the same stories, days in a row - all deserving coverage, but very little new stuff arises. Not today. Get familiar with the name "Wikistrat," if for no other reason than the fact that...
Sorry, the “breaking news” in this submission is the “breaking news” that this country has conditioned itself to being run by an old-school, dictator-wanna be, cigar-chomping, medal-wearing, balcony-standing, impulsive, man-boy. It is no longer “breaking news” when the President of the United States, rage tweets, spewing vicious hatred toward a specifically-named reporter and source, and […]
It keeps getting better and better. According to The Daily Beast, Stormy Daniels plans to sue Donald Trump for defamation after he called the composite sketch of a man who allegedly threatened her a “total con job.” On Tuesday, Daniels went on The View to reveal the sketch: After the show aired, Trump took to his favorite […]
Today, Bob Woodward's new book 'Fear' is out today. In the week lead up to its release, Donald Trump has been denying and railing against everything that Woodward has to say, adding just yesterday that since the book is a "total joke," he would...
Well, it's been done. After seeing this you HAVE seen it all.  Please get your affairs in order since there is nothing left.  At a rally in West Virginia, Donald Trump demonstrated that there is no limit to the...
Tastelessness and tackiness has just been redefined. Take a look at this. https://twitter.com/samstein/status/1062030843881947136 He can’t get the veterans their GI Bill benefits, but no problem, he’ll give them a MAGA hat, made in China, and enrich his own coffers. Nothing odd...
Elizabeth Warren is telling Donald Trump to put up or shut up, in no uncertain terms. https://twitter.com/elizabethforma/status/1051820933982359553 https://twitter.com/elizabethforma/status/1051821406240018432 This is going to be great, a showdown on Main Street, between Warren and Trump. She will persist in this demand for the $1Million...
Laundering mistress payoff money isn’t officially an area of legal specialization, nevertheless it is Michael Cohen’s metier. Remember the smoking gun of Watergate, where Woodward and Bernstein found a $25,000 deposit made with campaign funds put into the bank account of one of the Watergate burglars? Michael Avenatti has found something similar. Vanity Fair: Indeed, […]
Over the last week, we have heard that White House Counsel Don McGhan cooperated fully, early and often, over 30 hours of interviews with the Mueller investigation. This would be unprecedented, but for the fact that the White House...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead