What was it that Obama said, "ignorant people will tell you they're ignorant, just let them talk." Words to that effect. This is a milestone even for Trumpty Dumpty. He is now a sage on foreign policy and he...
On March 3, Daniil Bezsonov, an official with the pro-Russian separatist region of Ukraine that styles itself as the Donetsk People’s Republic, tweeted a video that he said revealed “How Ukrainian fakes are made.”
The clip showed two juxtaposed videos...
That's why I don't wear a beard anymore. I'm not Evangelical. I can't "Pray the gray away" Murfster35
Hard to believe a full year has already passed. Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? Just don't ask Ukraine or...
You gotta look down upon me Jesus, you gotta help me make a stand. You just gotta see me through another day James Taylor Fire and Rain
As heartbroken as I am over the images coming out of Bucha today...
Like sands through an hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives Soap Opera lead in
This is only going to get worse from here on out. I have already chronicled the terrible tactical move of bringing up largely untested...
It's an old show biz axiom that you never know who will end up where. Absolutely true. O.J. Simpson was expected to crawl out into the sunlight during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial but didn't. Instead, he feels that the...
In a truly historic Senate vote, the United States Senate voted to officially repeal the 1991 Iraq and 2002 Afghanistan Authorizations For the Use of Military Force. And from where I'm sitting, About. Fucking. Time. The vote wasn't even close, there were 45 Democrats, 18...
Right before his trial began on Monday, Donald Trump held a rally in Schnecksville, Pennsylvania on Saturday. Where he acted crazy. Dangerously crazy. I know, I know, we've heard all this before. Trump is always talking about the "Big...
As you know, way too many months later than should have happened the U.S. is again sending vital aid to Ukraine. I'm waiting to see what happens in the next week or so to talk about what, if any...
April is a magical month. The snow melts in winter states and the crocuses come into bloom. And it's a month where Trump lawyers get raided by the FBI -- at least, it happened in April, 2018 with Michael...