"A funny, hilarious comedy movie that doesn't know it," is how the Godawful Movies Podcast starts out its review of the last part of the Mike Lindell election fraud trilogy, this one entitled Absolute Interference. Why do we reference...
Here is yet another exhibit to my ongoing contention that conspiracy theory leading to two concurrent narratives of reality is the toxin that is going to destroy this country. Right now, the GOP seems to be hell bent on...
Lin Wood has a series of speaking engagements booked for the summer, all on the general themes of the Big Lie and QAnon. Now, if Wood's crowds stay this size, he'll soon be able to hold his meetings in...
Get ready for another Scopes monkey trial. It's been predicted that the Dominion v. Lindell case is going to be a libel landmark case and so far it's stacking up that way. Alan Dershowitz is on board, giving informal...
Rome was once sacked by the goths and vandals and Washington, D.C. was sacked by the vulgarians, long before the MAGAs began smashing the doors and windows of the Capitol. The appearance of the first, Donald Trump and his...