Lin Wood has a series of speaking engagements booked for the summer, all on the general themes of the Big Lie and QAnon. Now, if Wood’s crowds stay this size, he’ll soon be able to hold his meetings in a phone booth. But don’t let this fool you: while ludicrous on its face, Wood and his compatriots have made an outsized contribution to the poisoning of the political narrative in this country and that’s the big picture you have to look at. People have died behind this Big Lie/QAnon idiocy and more probably will in the future, unfortunately.

Yes, this is laughable, funny ha ha.  But take a short jaunt with me down memory lane, just back to January 4. This is not funny at all. This is what led to the Capitol riot, to deaths and destruction, and to many Americans messing up their lives big time because of this delusion of a stolen election and the even bigger delusion that Papa Trump would pardon them no matter what they did. Some of them are going to prison, more will be indicted, no doubt.


Yes, the man is nuts. No question. Yes, he was instrumental in inciting the Capitol riot. No question. Yes, he’s still out there walking around and spewing this bile — and that’s where you get to the question of why? Why is he still spewing this, because it seems obvious to me that it’s a set up for another tragedy. Take a look at this.

It’s not uncommon that a mother, fearing something dreadful is about to befall her children, will mercifully take their lives. I recall reading of a Jewish mother in Nazi Germany who killed her children rather than let the Nazis get them. In that case, the Nazis were real. Here, the mother killed the kids because she was living in a QAnon induced delusion. Los Angeles Times:

“I don’t know when I became a target, but I know that Porterville is the root of all evil right now. Both of my children have now vocalized to me more than once that their private parts hurt,” she said. She positioned herself as protecting the kids.

In a lengthy email that included an attachment with more than 100 pages of typed and handwritten notes and images, she offered a meandering and at times incoherent account of a young, unstable mother. She attached screenshots of text messages, medical records and annotated court records.

“I am removing myself and my children from this world because nothing will ever be the same. There is no going back from here,” she wrote.

Hours later, Carrillo’s mother discovered the three slain children in the apartment in Reseda. Around 11 a.m., a pickup truck driver came upon Carrillo along Highway 65, just north of Bakersfield. The black Ford Focus that Carrillo had driven was stuck near the shoulder. At first one driver stopped, then another.

One of the drivers later recalled that Carrillo had a cut that looked “meaty,” and he feared she was suicidal and might throw herself into oncoming traffic. She appeared agitated and distraught, he told police, and when farmworkers stopped to give her water, she swatted the bottles away.

One driver tried to calm her down and told her they had called 911 for help.

“I’m being trafficked, you don’t understand, I need to go,” she told the driver, according to a police report of the incident.

QAnon and the Big Lie go hand in glove and the likes of Lin Wood, Mike Lindell, Sidney Powell, Michael Flynn, you know the crowd, keep pushing this paranoia. This is the devastating cost. One of the people who died at the Capitol, Ashli Babbitt, embraced the QAnon theory and the Big Lie and she went to her death. This California woman’s children went to their death because their mother believed in QAnon. This is exactly why the buffoonery would be comical and we could sit back and laugh and scream at it, if we weren’t also witnessing the very tragic and devastating effects of it as well.

This is an American tragedy, make no mistake.


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  1. “A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.”
    ― Joseph Stalin
    Lets not forget the other casualties caused by this moronic ‘philosophy’, the Covid deaths that needn’t have happened, and the people left maimed and injured by it.


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