I'm not making a prediction here, but I have a strong feeling that in the next 3-6 months we'll be seeing a communique from Moscow noting the tragic passing of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Here's why.
There's an old axiom, You...
Like sands through an hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives Soap Opera lead in
This is only going to get worse from here on out. I have already chronicled the terrible tactical move of bringing up largely untested...
As Russia continues in Ukraine its destruction of civil infrastructure and once beautiful cities, as Putin pretends to care about only securing the Donbas and a land bridge to Crimea after failing to capture Kyiv and assassinate President Zelenskyy...
This is not going to end well. While the rest of the civilized countries in the world are busy dumping a forest fire water bucket full of shit over Putin's head over his misguided war in Ukraine, Putin is...
You know, being the spokesman for a country's military, or any other large government agency is really not much different than being a politician. You craft your words to shine and highlight your positions and accomplishments, hopefully without letting...
Since the first day of his disastrous war in Ukraine, Putin and his General staff have shown themselves to be military morons. He went in too late, spread his forces too thin, lied to his own troops about their...
Joy Ann Reid of MSNBC just posted a tweet that says that in a late night vote, the U.S. Senate just passed a treaty resolution allowing Sweden and Finland into NATO by a vote of 99-1. Shock and awe,...
Conservative firetwig Ben Shapiro, famous for his vacuous takes on all things political, writing some of the worst fiction ever to disgrace the pages of a book, and his complete inability to arouse women, early this morning grappled with...
Let the good times roll
When that rock starts rolling down hill, sometimes there's just no stopping it. When the actual history of Putin's invasion of Ukraine is written 10 or 20 years from now, long after I'm dirt surfing,...
That title is no joke. And I'm not fucking around. By now you all know my military tactical street creds, and you all know that I lived in that fat Bastards head for almost 6 years. And some things...