Newt Gingrich tells the Washington Post that the White House and its allies are "preparing for war" with Mueller, as the anticipated report on obstruction of justice draws nearer by the day. Would one expect any other analogy from...
Rachel Maddow spent much of her show last night focused on a single nugget within a NY Times report on Trump billionaire buddy Tom Barrack (exquisite irony in the name of your friend, Mr. Pres, more ironic if he...
Several prominent Russians, some from President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle or high in the Russian Orthodox Church, had provable and significant contacts with National Rifle Association officials during the 2016 U.S. election campaign, as found by a McClatchy Report...
Special disclaimer, I'm a dual citizen, both Canadian and American, additionally, this site has other warm ties to Canada, so this is now getting really personal.
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro on Sunday blasted Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,...
It has already been a devastating day. I apologize ahead of time. I am in a stupor. It appears to me that some people - like the readers typically here - do recognize the utter devastation unleashed upon our...
In further evaluating the document that "leaked" to the New York Times - and not by Trump's legal team we're assured, and we believe everything they say - The Daily Beast picks up a new component that could spell...
McClatchy on their game, brings us a new find on Russian operatives tied to the never-to-be-damned-enough “troll factory” that brought us "President Trump" and already under indictment by special counsel Robert Mueller. A Russian group with ties to these...
Raw Story now confirms a new report that Rod Rosenstein, everyone's favorite Deputy Attorney General (everyone outside the WH), wasn't played at all, with respect to Trump and the firing of Comey. Rosenstein knows enough that it could conceivably...
New Report tonight from the NYTimes and Lawrence O'Donnell on about Trump's reaction to Sessions' recusal of himself from the Russian investigation. UPDATE: Times article is here
The video from the Lawrence O'Donnell show is at this link (it won't...
"If they had spies in my campaign it would be a disgrace to our country, it would be a crime, and the biggest scandal in our country's history."
Donald Trump, Current President
Jesus Christ as an MSNBC analyst, the above was...